I’ve been trying to stay with edge-leading (down and away or down and toward), especially with grits below 800. Clay has seen evidence that edge-trailing strokes can leave deep chips in the edge as weak areas break away.
I also have been trying to use the alternate direction method that Alan refers to. This lets you see clearly when you’ve removed all the scratches from the previous grit.
Here’s a little tidbit that may or may not have value to you: If you settle in on a specific direction for each grit (as in 800 grit is ALWAYS down and away), it might help you to retrace your steps. If you see a deep scratch you hadn’t noticed before, you can pretty well tell which grit you need to go back to. This is all easier said than done as it requires a good deal of attention and focus. With my industrial-strength ADD, it’s only helped me a few times. I’m thinking somebody else might benefit from it.
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