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New Diameter Rods

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  • #40290
    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
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    I just got the new diameter rods.  They are slightly larger or truer in they’re diameter to decrease the tolerance between the rod diameter and the stone’s bore. They have less “slop” so the bevel should be flatter.  I’m getting more consistent angle measurements comparing end for end with the same stone and between stone types, of similar medium, such as,as I follow a progression with lapping film glass plates, down the grits.

    There is a tighter feel as the stone slides up and down the rod and the sound is different.  I like the improvement a lot.  It’ll require less movement of my finger position and finger pressure up and down along the stone, as I slide across the bevel, to keep the scratch pattern flat and centered on the bevel.

    Now I know what TCMeyer experiences with his customized stones with the bushing inserts.

    I did pull a silicone swap through the stone bore hole and wiped the rod arms to clean and lubricate them.  Now it’s slip-slide.

    I look forward to seeing how this improves my results. It’s just one more Wicked Edge improved upgrade in the search for the perfectly sharp edge!  Thanks Clay and Wicked Edge.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Nice new avatar MarcH,

    I can say that I like the larger rods as well. I noticed the difference right away and in spite of having to drill 2 sets of strops and my 1500 stones out to get them to slide freely I love them. The stones seem to have little to no slop on the new rods.


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    I’ve never owned a Wicked Edge with the smaller diameter rods, but I can confirm that there is absolutely no play in the stones on my new 10″ rods. They fit perfectly. ??

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