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new arms

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  • #4437
    Robert Borowski
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 23

    Just looking for an update one the new arms. I did a search and I couldn’t find anything recent. Are the available? ETA?


    • Topics: 57
    • Replies: 1505

    Last I heard (read?)… around mid-August. So, should be pretty close!

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    They’re in, but I’m out of town. Give Kyle a call at the office Mon-Fri 9 am to 5 pm MST and he can set you up.


    Robert Borowski
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 23

    Thanks clay!! I did just that and will have the by the end of the week. Let it be known I admire your ingenuity and progressive thinking. I certainly appreciate the product you have created, developed, and improved. Your time, effort, and passion have not gone unnoted. My redemption is making more Wicked-edge heads out there, (I have already converted 3)

    Thanks again!!

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    I ordered mine several weeks ago and as five minutes ago, my bank account doesn’t show any charge. I would have thought I would have seen some movement before now.


    P.S. I ordered another set, as I didn’t want to be without my sharpener. Do I need to call to get my old ones fixed, once my new ones arrive or, do I just send them in?

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    Hey Rob, you can just send them in, though it’s probably worth a call to Kyle (877-616-9911) to let him know and remind him of your order.

    I ordered mine several weeks ago and as five minutes ago, my bank account doesn’t show any charge. I would have thought I would have seen some movement before now.


    P.S. I ordered another set, as I didn’t want to be without my sharpener. Do I need to call to get my old ones fixed, once my new ones arrive or, do I just send them in?


    Robert Borowski
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 23

    so I just got the new arms today and I was super excited about them. However I have a problem. The new arms do not fit on the alignment bar. They get about half way through and stop. Then I try it from the other end and again it gets half way before it meets resistence again. Well I tried to force it on thinking it just may have had a little left over metal left on there from machining. Well not have have one jammed on the alignment bar.

    Anybody have this problem. I will call WE tomorrow but I was hoping I was doing something dumb.

    • Topics: 57
    • Replies: 1505

    Bummer. You might be the first here to have a production model, (the pictures look different than the prototype pics I’ve seen), so calling in may be the only answer. Hopefully, an easy fix.

    Keep us posted!

    • Topics: 1
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    I received mine yesterday as well. No issues with mine.

    Michael Lingard
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 33

    Are these going to be available on the website? How much will they cost?

    What are the benefits of the new design?

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    The new arms will be available on the website soon (as soon as I can get them photographed and added :)) at $120 without the angle cube and $155 with. Here are the benefits:

    • Play in the joint is completely eliminated
    • Very smooth action
    • Micro-adjustment of angle of +/- .05 degrees (it’s finer than .05 degrees but we’re limited to what we can measure)
    • Ability to hit angles down to 13 degrees.

    Are these going to be available on the website? How much will they cost?

    What are the benefits of the new design?


    Michael Lingard
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 33

    Thanks Clay.

    Sounds like a great improvement.

    Leo James Mitchell
    • Topics: 64
    • Replies: 687

    Sweet Clay! My order will be along presently! Built in angle cube eh!!! Wow! How ingenious my friend.

    Best regards

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940


    We already got your order, it’s going out tomorrow. 🙂

    Sweet Clay! My order will be along presently! Built in angle cube eh!!! Wow! How ingenious my friend.

    Best regards


    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 11

    Sweet Clay! My order will be along presently! Built in angle cube eh!!! Wow! How ingenious my friend.

    Best regards

    Built in angle cube??? I didn’t think so. I believe it is a separate device. Correct me if I’m wrong please.

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