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Mirror polish tips and tricks

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  • #59293
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 21

    Hello, sorry if repost!

    Been spending a lot of time with my WE120 recently, taking extra time to check out my edge between each grit to try and hone my skills a bit. I’m able to get a nice mirror polish on the bottom of the bevel that is nice and reflective, but can’t seem to get that finish to make its way up the entire bevel. Not sure if that’s due to dropping the stropping angle 2 degrees , or not spending enough time at a particular spot in the sharpening journey. I alternate my stroke direction with each grit, and try to check to make sure that the previous stones marks are “erased” before moving up the chain. I’m not sure if the residual scratches are just a result of the low grit stones I had to use when lightly reprofiling the edge — or poor technique/lack of patience when moving up the chain.

    For this knife (Small Sebenza), it was my first time sharpening it so I had to even out the bevels a bit with low grit stones. Once I went all the way up from 50-2200 grit stones, I dropped my stropping angle 2 degrees and went to my strops (5, 4, 3.5, 2, 1, 0.5 micron). I spent a lot of time on it, and the knife is insanely sharp, but I’m just curious what I’d need to change to get the entire edge to be mirrored. I will probably just use and enjoy this insanely sharp knife, but if I wanted to try and get the entire edge mirrored would I need to start over from 1000 grit? Or strop differently?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 83
    • Replies: 2772

    Great conversation, I hope these three videos cover what I can share with everyone on this observation:

    My FaceBook Group

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 21

    Thank you very much, Marc! Over the years you’re taught me to be very mindful of my strokes, but as with all things, I’m just hoping to take it to the next level.

    I was still very happy with how the edge turned out, but wasn’t sure what grit to go back to/if I need to adjust the stropping angle if I want to “buff” it better.

    Going to watch the videos once I get home tonight!


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