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Hello and need some advice

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  • #47733
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    Hey everyone. I just got my first we system. I got a we130 and added stones thru the 1000 grit and got the 1500/glass, two sided glass and strops.


    Overall I think this system is amazing and I love the clamping system. I have been using a kme system for years and this holds my blades much more firmly including the full flat grinds.


    I am running into an issue with the we though. I can get my knives sharp but it seems that I can’t get them screaming sharp like I have been able to do on my kme. It may just be that I need to break in the stones or maybe I need to develop a new technique. I have been trying to research through the forum here and this seems like the two things people are saying. I have done 4 kitchen knives and a couple of my pocket knives. Gonna keep trying on siffediff blades but seeing if anyone had some fresh advice for me.


    I get a good Burr on the 100 grit and work my way through the rest of the stones. I tried getting a Burr all the way through the higher grits but this seemed to give me a duller edge than keeping a lighter stroke and not getting a Burr with the higher grits.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Hi Dusty,  Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum.  Yes you’re right in your readings.  W.E. stones do have a bit of a break-in period.  Usually it takes about 10 knives for the stones to start giving their true results, and, usually it takes about 10 knives worth of effort, experience and practice for new users to figure it out how to do it.  The biggest advice I can give you is make sure you are apexing the edge with each and every stone.  That is, that the scratch pattern you’re applying to the steel is going from the shoulder all the way up and off the bevel edge.  I like to recheck and adjust my angles with each and every grit change just to insure I’m working with the precision the WEPS affords.  If your not using some form of magnified visual aide I would recommend you get one.  Visually seeing where your scratch pattern is being applied is very helpful to monitor what your doing.

    Keep at it and keep reading.  Work on consistency in your technique.  Your trying to maintain flat even contact between the stone and the bevel maintaining parallel level, even contact and pressure between theses two planes.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    The stones really do have a break in period. Although I had read it on this forum, I didn’t fully believe it when I started out. Previous to acquiring my WE I had been using the Lansky system to sharpen. I was pretty disappointed with the results of my first few knives on the WE. My Lansky edges were much sharper and had a better polish level. Much like you, I knew that I was using at least somewhat proper technique because of my prior knife sharpening experience. The turning point for me was the 7th knife that I sharpened. It turned out substantially sharper than the previous six and things have only improved as time has progressed. The stones continued to even out in a noticeable way for the first 15 knives or so. Now that the stones have settled in and I have developed more discipline with my technique, I consistently get edges that can whittle single strands of hair. I was never able to do that with my Lansky edges. Hang in there and give the stones time. If you have a few beater knives I suggest sharpening those while everything gets worn in. I have no doubt that you’ll soon be putting edges on your knives that rival and eventually surpass the results you have previously obtained with your KME.

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    Awesome! Thanks for the advice. I don’t have many beater knives any more but I am sure I can find some guys here on post that would let me sharpen their abused knives. For some reason, we 82nd infantry guys tend to either buy high end stuff and baby it or buy cheaper stuff and abuse the crap out of it

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 83
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    Dusty there’s two kinds of forum members.  Those new like yourself looking to learn and gain experience for using your new WEPS.  And those of us, like myself, who have stayed around to help those like you.  We Forum old timers don’t have anything but sharp well cared for knives.  The newbies like yourself covet anything they can sharpen.  Hit the thrift stores.  They seem to be a good inexpensive source.  I used to offer all my friends and my neighbors to sharpen they’re knives, for free, of course.  I gathered all my family member’s knives and did those.  When I ran out of knives to sharpen I started buying inexpensive folding knives $10-$15’s.  I’d planned to carry them to use and show off they’re sharpness and shiny blade.  If someone liked it I would just gift it to them with the offer to keep it sharp for them.  I never got any takers.  Now I have a pile of really sharp inexpensive every day carry, (EDC), knives on my dresser.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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