Jamey Said:
Could it be argued that the sharper V edge would become rounded with a little bit of use, and therefore the slightly rounded edge is basically just a V edge that’s been deliberately blunted a tiny amount, therefore you could go on to argue that the V edge would have the same long-term durability because it will achieve the same roundedness after a bit of usage?
One might argue this way, if they could present some definitive studies that show highly regular convexing of the edge to be the primary results of using a knife. I have not seen such results. The photos I have seen of edge wear do not support this argument. Wear tends to be irregular and often the results are more to flatten, roll, or chip out the edge than to convex it slightly which appears to be the results of stropping.
I read Curtis’ goals for stropping, they match mine perfectly. It is all about edge refinement.