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Forum will be temporarily unavailable 2/6 around 9:30 pm MST

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  • #45044
    developer (ChrisB)
    • Topics: 53
    • Replies: 263

    The evening of 2/6/2018, starting around 9:30 pm MST, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. You’ll see a “site is under maintenance’ page for some period of time, as the DNS records are changed to point to our new wordpress hosting.

    We’re doing this to prevent any new topics or new users getting ‘stranded’ on the old server. We take a database backup right when we put up the maintenance page, then load it into the new server, and then everything will be there once the DNS records start sending traffic to the new server.

    Knock on wood, this will all go smoothly…

    Working to make a great forum!

    6 users thanked author for this post.
    • Topics: 38
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    Chris:  Since the change was made, I’m seeing a quirk in the list of recent posts.  At the very top will be a post which is several days old.  Below that, the listed posts seem to be correctly ordered.  Anybody else seeing this?

    developer (ChrisB)
    • Topics: 53
    • Replies: 263

    I think  the topic about finding the sweet spot got ‘pinned’ which keeps it at the top, until unpinned.

    Working to make a great forum!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
    • Replies: 2778

    I think the topic about finding the sweet spot got ‘pinned’ which keeps it at the top, until unpinned.

    It was suggested that I pin it by some new users.  I can remove the pin if there are objections.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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