Following a single scratch on a convex edge
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Tagged: knife, knives, sharpening, wicked edge
- This topic has 30 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 08/20/2016 at 10:48 pm by
03/22/2016 at 4:15 pm #32361
This is pretty esoteric, but still fun to do; I got to work on returning my sample blade to a nice, high polish, working with the 1000# diamonds, SF Ceramics, some lapping films and strops 14/10, 5/3.5, 1/.5 and .25/.125. I won’t bore with pictures from each phase right now, just the final edge:
This first image is of a nearly perfect edge, with one lone scratch, which was intriguing so I followed it out along the whole bevel to the shoulder. The edge is convexed from 16° to 20° and what I found interesting is how the highest point in the curved shoulder has the deepest, messiest scratches. What I mean by “highest point” is that there is a convex curve from the shoulder to the edge with some point in the middle being the highest point in the curve, or the furthest from a straight line that would run between the shoulder and the edge. Here are some shots traveling away from the edge toward the shoulder:The scratches appear to be deepest in image “Scratch-C”, which would represent the highest point in the curve. I know this isn’t particularly helpful in producing a sharp edge, just interesting to see the effects of the abrasives on a convex edge.
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03/22/2016 at 4:48 pm #32367Very interesting Clay! But in a way it makes sense to me at least…where is most of the metal removed when going from stones to strops? The edge and shoulder. Although you world think the high spot would have the most abrasion wear.
Love the pics!
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03/22/2016 at 10:28 pm #32376Anonymous
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It’s fairly sad, that I don’t even know what I’m looking at in these photos…
03/22/2016 at 10:54 pm #32378Hi Bill! Welcome back.
Clay has been showing us microphotos in sets of three; the edge, the bevel and the shoulder. The intent being to better understand the effects of the abrasive across the entire width of the bevel. In this case, he’s showing us a photo of an edge he had polished out to a high degree, but then he noticed a scratch and decided to take photos of that scratch as his 2000X ‘scope moved away from the edge. It might have been less confusing if the photos had been inverted.
03/23/2016 at 12:58 am #32389Very interesting, Clay! Josh, I think you could be spot on in your explanation.
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
03/23/2016 at 8:51 am #32404It’s fairly sad, that I don’t even know what I’m looking at in these photos…
Sometimes Bill you make the most poignant comments, thank you! I’d been working on another thread ( started by dulledge , having a conversation running with some of the guys about how the ceramic stones work versus the diamond plates and diamond lapping films. The guys made recommendations about the order I should use the stones/strops/films to investigate what was most efficient and then I photographed the results under the microscope at 2000x. I think it was a great learning opportunity for me. Anyway, when I started this new thread, I was continuing the conversation in my mind and never paused to think that someone who hadn’t followed that conversation would have no idea what I was talking about! Thanks for pointing it out.
03/23/2016 at 10:29 am #32413Anonymous
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I have no reference point to understand what I am looking at. I don’t see a bevel or an apex or a tip. I use my microscope, and even take photos, but nothing that I’ve seen looks anything like these photos. The scope is a necessary tool for me to see little nicks… the good news is that my knives are wicked sharp…
The other night I caught my wife cutting a tomato but instead of using a cutting board she used our granite counter top… A very bad habit, that we both have been guilty of before the WE… when I pointed it out to my wife she said in her defense, ” You should be happy, now you can re-sharpen it.” Its tough breaking old habits , when you have been married 50 years. I haven’t cut anything without using a cutting board since I bought the WE. I want to buy a couple of good kitchen knives.. But a bit reluctant to spend the money ( 400 dollars ). 62/ 63 roc. Damascus clad, balanced, with western handles. I’m afraid My wife would not respect them, unless I was standing right there.( She would just forget.)
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03/23/2016 at 11:19 am #32415I have no reference point to understand what I am looking at. I don’t see a bevel or an apex or a tip.
As Tom said, the pics should be in a different order. The top pic show the edge of the edge. The bevel is very smooth, but there is one scratch. The other pics show more parts of the scratch. On the third pic, named Scratch-C you see the scratch is the deepest. Clay explained that the edge is convex and I think Josh (RazorEdgeKnives) gave a good explanation of why the scratch is the deepest on the third pic, where the “highest point” of the bevel is. I am not sure which parts of the bevel the pics called Scratch-B and Scratch-D show.
I use my microscope, and even take photos, but nothing that I’ve seen looks anything like these photos.
Clay uses quite a different microscope than us, mortals. Much better images and a magnification of 2000x (yes, 2000
). With that in mind it is even more remarkable the the majority of the bevel looks so smooth. Stropping really works.
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
03/23/2016 at 11:30 am #32420I have no reference point to understand what I am looking at. I don’t see a bevel or an apex or a tip. I use my microscope, and even take photos, but nothing that I’ve seen looks anything like these photos.
The magnification of these images is very high, so it’s hard to know what you’re seeing. I’ve added some labels to one of the images so you can see it better:
The scratch measures 2.5µ at its widest in this picture and we’re only looking at about 55µ (0.002″) of blade width from the edge. The other images show different sections of the bevel going back from the edge toward the shoulder. If the image section of blade being shown is using all the height of the image, then you’re looking at a section that is roughly 80µ (0.003″) wide.
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03/23/2016 at 2:54 pm #32443Anonymous
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Thank you… Got it !
Ill post my irreverence again,. What is the point? You can’t see it with the naked eye. I doubt the use of a knife with scratches of this depth would have any reflection on the aesthetics or the sharpness.
To me, the only feedback would be to carrying around a 2000X microscope to show people the level of scratches. If this is all about personal gratification…to have scratch less blade, I can get that. I think… it like having the equipment to engrave the constitution on the head of a pin, and the scope necessary to see it.
I got into this sharpening as a means to enjoy cutting things with the ease and controllability I have never been able to achieve in the past. I’m afraid this forum is way too focused on a scratch free blade, for the purpose of personal gratification… which I have no problem with that motivation.. but its not for me. Unfortunately, I do not share that same degree of passion, and from what I see over the last three months, there are only a very few with the same degree of interest. People come here, see what going on and after a few post, they are gone forever. I came here to help grow this forum, with some family style conversation , with a common interest of knives and sharpening and the ownership of the WE. ( if you look at the ” New Post section ” ( this where where everyone of the 250 topics wind up… The very first day I came here, I said there are way too many topics to try to navigate, so people all go to the New Post offerrings, to see two or three new ones, and then leave because those two or three are of no interest
Do you really think a guy who just spent 400, 700, or 1000 dollars, and knows nothing about sharpening wants to converse with guys who are looking under 2000 X microscopes looking to remove 0.2 microns, when 98% of them do not know what a micron is.
The issue is, I can not offer anything of substance to this forum.. I go to the new posts daily, and only see three or four new post a day, and that is a stretch… I did not think this forum was about only professional sharpening techniques. I know you are going to say it is not… but the conversation here is all about 2000x images, and the need to remove more and more of the 0.2 micron and smaller scratches…
No one wants to ask a brain surgeon or chief surgeon how to apply a bandade, when the conversation is all about dissecting ganglia, in what appears to be an international seminar where the chief surgeons of the world are having a conference on micro surgical techniques.
People come and go, because the main focus of this forum has gravitated to such a degree of perfection, no one but a few seem interested.. I like a sharp knife, and even a mirrored bevel, I like different types of knives and learning techniques, seeing visual aides and talking about what I can only call basic amateur interest in knife sharpening.. I would guess that 99% of those buying a WE are interested in repeatability and the ability to make a sharp edge. 1% a stretch looking to go the 2000X route.
I am not being a troll, I am not disrespectful, but if this forum is about growing it to appeal to the 99%. You guys have not really given anyone any reason to stick around for more that a few tricks, some updates, and then they are gone…
I have been treated with nothing but respect, on this forum, The people that are here are moral and ethical people.. for sure. I just have nothing to offer.. I left for a month and it was like I did not leave at all… its a month later and the same five guys are talking about things that I have little interest.. The conversation band is way too narrow to grow this forum.
I hope you take this critique in the manner in which it was intended. I’ve been involved with some sort of forum or BB for over 30 years. I’ve owned my own domains, and discussion groups. While this is a very non threatening forum, its way too narrow to appeal to a wide audience of WE owners.
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03/23/2016 at 3:16 pm #32448I’m afraid this forum is way too focused on a scratch free blade, for the purpose of personal gratification… Do you really think a guy who just spent 400, 700, or 1000 dollars, and knows nothing about sharpening wants to converse with guys who are looking under 2000 X microscopes looking to remove 0.2 microns, when 98% of them do not know what a micron is… No one wants to ask a brain surgeon or chief surgeon how to apply a bandade, when the conversation is all about dissecting ganglia, in what appears to be an international seminar where the chief surgeons of the world are having a conference on micro surgical techniques. People come and go, because the main focus of this forum has gravitated to such a degree of perfection, no one but a few seem interested.. I like a sharp knife, and even a mirrored bevel, I like different types of knives and learning techniques, seeing visual aides and talking about what I can only call basic amateur interest in knife sharpening.. I would guess that 99% of those buying a WE are interested in repeatability and the ability to make a sharp edge. 1% a stretch looking to go the 2000X route… The conversation band is way too narrow to grow this forum. I hope you take this critique in the manner in which it was intended. I’ve been involved with some sort of forum or BB for over 30 years. I’ve owned my own domains, and discussion groups. While this is a very non threatening forum, its way too narrow to appeal to a wide audience of WE owners. Respectfully Bill
Well said Bill, thanks for spelling it out. I definitely can get very narrowly focused once my geek button has been pressed by a good question, which is what happened in the Stones vs. Strops thread and carried over here.
03/23/2016 at 3:33 pm #32452Bill, I’m thinking more about your comments and it’s making me realize that I tend to only focus on the forum visitors that I can see, not on all the ones who are present but remain quiet. Thanks for bringing it up!
03/23/2016 at 4:09 pm #32454<hr />
Personally I love to see/learn anything I can about abrasives or how they interact with the edge especially on a microscopic level as I find it fascinating. Mostly it comes into okay for me in 2 areas.
1. A perfect scratch free mirror edge (which people want and pay for)
2. Straight razor honing – microscopic scratches play a large roll here in how smooth the shave is.
I think in general studies that clay has done tend to draw people in for discussion and reading, as mark pointed out as well.
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03/23/2016 at 4:42 pm #32457Anonymous
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If only five or six guys are talking on this forum and the water mark for participation is in the thousands, then my point has some validity because none of those thousands stick around for more than a very few posts.
I know I am kind of trashing a group of really nice guys, and the nucleolus for a great forum. I know this is a testing platform for new offerings. and who better to run it by than a bunch of passionate professionals. Maybe I missed the real focus of this forum… I’ve gone to some statistics about this forum and find that 99 % of those who originally logged on here only had two or three post to their name and then left forever.
I came here because I purchased a WE, and could not be happier about the purchase, and thought this forum would be filled with similar newbies. ( Not kids, but people financially secure enough to purchase a system of this caliber and cost.. I came here when there was a transition to a New format… I had thought that many just didn’t make the transition to the new forum yet. My only thoughts now are why all the focus on a forum with a Webmaster, when its really just a chat room for just an exclusive membership of professionals and a portal for transients who just purchases a WE…. who probably came here to get involved but felt like me, they had nothing to offer such a group of professionals. Tough Love? maybe… But just an honest opinion, from a good guy, knowing the value of good feedback.
03/23/2016 at 4:49 pm #32459Anonymous
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Just another point to my other forum participation. I’m on several automotive forums, one which I have over 30,000 threads or posts, another 15,000 and am on two photo forums both with over 10,000 posts and threads, and several years to a high end wrist watch forum with 2,000 posts and threads. incidentally, people with my same amount tenure in these other forums have similar participation levels…. some with much more.
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