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First knife sharpened – help needed!

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    I have today got my Wicked Edge PRO Pack 2 from Knives and Tools – I trained on the enclosed testing knife and it went well. Then I tried scarpen my new LionSteel M4 Magnacut. I managed to position the knife wery precice and worked on the factory set angle which was 22 deg. I went through all the grits and ended with the leather strops with 4 and 2 micron paste. I then tested the knife on my BESS PT50A and the results was 202-167-199 (Tip-Midt-Heel) This is of course not good enough – did I maybe not manage to raise a big enough burr when I started out using the 400 grit stone?

    Any suggestions? or good advises? All help will be very appriciated!

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    <p style=”text-align: right;”>The new stones have a break in period since you are knocking off the loose Dimonds that’s why they suggest sharpening older knives that are not as valuable. I would start at the 800 grit and try again spending more time with the finer grits to remove the corse grit imperfections and remember to strop with leather strops 2° less then your edge angle so use 20°so you don’t roll the edge</p>

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    Krause,  I would, without question, practice on 10-20 cheap knives before jumping in on a better quality knife.   This gives you a chance to learn what your doing AND a chance to break in the stones. (I believe it’s extremely important)  I’m only a few months in but I received the same advice here from those in the know and it was great advice. You will feel the stones get smoother and the process gets easier.  Keep at it and before you know it, you got it!   I find it cathartic.  Best of luck.

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    Hi Klaus. I check for a burr after sharpening each edge bevel with up/down strokes. Then I use 20 to 40 edge-trailing strokes before I move to the next grit. But you will have better results after your stones are broken in well as Mike and Lawdog said.

    I also wash my stones with dishwashing liquid and a scrub brush after every 4 or 5 knives. I also wet a soapy sponge with dishwashing soap and wet my stones on it every now and then while sharpening. I’m still using my original stones that are 3 years old now, I think. The 100/200 stones should wear out first since I reprofiled stuff with them before I got smart and bought the 50/80 stones.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by 000Robert.
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