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Field and sport pro question

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    hey there everyone


    I seem to be on a familiar path of newcomers to the WE system trying to work out which system is best for my needs. I am a hobby knife maker, have a few user folders and the regular kitchen knives as well as fishing knives. So not looking to set up a sharpening business or anything like that but am after a quality tool. I’ve used a lansky, paper wheels, my 2×72 grinder as well as spyderco sharpmaker and whilst I can get my blades shaving sharp even bevels and consistency are not the words that come to mind.

    After reading a lot (including this great forum) and watching many videos I’m sure I would like the 130 clamping mechanism. I would also like to have minimum 800/1000 grit stones in my starting pack. So this means the 130 plus extra stones, field and sport pro or the gen 3 pro are in my sights. The field and sport pro doesn’t seem to get som much attention in various forums and I wonder if there is a particular reason why? Does the clamp that holds the unit to a table work well? It seems like it would be quite good to have a portable system that can be put away easily when not in use. So anyone with a field and sport pro that would care to share their thoughts please?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum Ian.  The Field and Sport Pro has all the same positive attributes as the WE130 and it is also portable.  There are no more issues with clamping the F&S Pro then you would expect and encounter with any device of this nature.  All you need is a table allowing the “C” clamp to be used securely and you’re set.  I would suggest for home use just drill a couple holes in the flat wings on the F&S mount and screw or preferable  through bolt it to a wide, flat level mounting base like a large cutting board or something similar.  Then you’ll have every thing the WE130 offers along with the portability of the F&S.

    My personal preferences are the WE130 or the F&S Pro clamping systems with the independent angle arm adjustment feature over the Gen 3 Pro’s single lever angle arm adjustments.  The independent angle adjustment meshes better with the wide variety of stone types and stone thicknesses I use for sharpening.  I do have both the WE130 and the Gen3 Pro and both units when operated correctly will produce the same quality, precise angled, even width, symmetrical bevels and extremely sharp edges, that are easily repeated in touch-ups.

    I would recommend purchasing additional stones 800/1000 and the 1500/glass platen, along with at least two sets of leather strops to achieve optimal results and polish.  I’m sure after you gain sharpening experience you’ll see there are other accessories and adapters you’ll want too.  If you decide to go “all in” the Pro Pack 3 offers all the accessories, adapters,  portability and storage at a very fair price point, (if you break it down for what you pay VS what you get.)

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I don’t really know why the F&S is not as popular around these parts. The unit is equally capable to the WE130 and is equally well regarded. It should clamp easily to a work bench for a home setup. I have the generation 3 pro model and it is a very nice model. If I were to do it again I would probably purchase the WE130 or pro pack 3 because they have the individually adjustable arms and a wider angle range. With the pro model you can adjust the angles simultaneously with one lever, but you still have to do the micro adjustments on each side individually if you want perfectly matching angles, so I suspect that it doesn’t save very much time in the grand scheme.

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    Hey guys, thanks a lot for your comments. It’s also the first time I’ve heard someone suggest that if they were to buy again and had to choose between the 130 and the gen 3 pro model that they may go with the WE 130.

    From pics the field and sport pro looks like it has the horizontal arms where you set the angle at unsupported above your workspace and I wonder if this makes them prone to bending at all?

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    There is very little force applied to the rods or the degree-bar in normal use.  It doesn’t take much of a bend to cause problems in the rods, but you’d have to be intentionally trying to over-stress them.

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    I got my F&S Pro a couple of years ago and have not had any issues with it. I use it on kitchen knives, folders, and have even used it on hand pruners. Make sure you get an angle gauge. I also have the advance alignment guide, scissor attachment and 3.5 5 strops. WickedEdge drilled a hole in the paperstone base (not available now) so I could mount the sharpener on it. I have never used the c-clamp yet. The case is setup for what comes with the kit and has very little room for expansion. I picked up a Pelican style case from SAM’S, I can  store the sharpener, base and the extras I have in it. with space for some expansion.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    It’s also the first time I’ve heard someone suggest that if they were to buy again and had to choose between the 130 and the gen 3 pro model that they may go with the WE 130.

    I have both the Gen 3 Pro and the WE130.  I use my WE130 almost exclusively.  I think the last time I used the Gen 3 Pro was over 6 months ago.

    If I could do it all over again, knowing what I know now, I would not have bought the Gen 3 Pro.  I don’t regret purchasing it.  I enjoyed the experiences using it and learning more about sharpening with all the various Wicked Edge Systems.  I wouldn’t know what I prefer now and why, without having used all the different version WE models over the years.  It has allowed me to be more helpful here on the Forum having the first hand experiences, and how to utilize the each model to their best potential.

    PS: I started with the WE120 in the Pro Pack 2.  I still have it but don’t use it, any longer.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Great info again, thank you everyone.


    MarchH – it sounds like you could consider selling your gen 3 pro. Shipping is a killer as I’m in Australia but let me know if your considering selling.


    unfortunately there is no local distributor here and no way to see one of these in the flesh. Closest is New Zealand which isn’t a lot of help to me to actually touch and feel the different models.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Ian, thank you for the offer to buy my seldom used model.  I’m fortunate that I don’t need the funds I have tied up in the Gen 3 Pro and that I have the space to keep it without it being clutter.  I look forward to using it again, in the future. You never know know when Wicked Edge will release new upgrades for the older models enhancing or improving their function.

    In the mean time, if I come up with the opportunity to sharpen a batch of similar shaped and styled knives requiring repetition in the sharpening adjustments and technique, it lends itself to that.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    This is just my two scents, I have both field & sport pro & the wicked edge go. For home use I use the F & SP I have also purchased a gun case that was pick n pluck to add many more stones & strops. I have never had a issue with the F & SP. If your looking for portability I would suggest to get the Edge go with the deluxe bag & buy two extra sets of stones as this bag will allow it. I also can fit my digital angle guide,Jewelers loop & eraser in the deluxe bag. Stones I carry in this bag are the 200/600,800/1000 diamond grit & the 1200/1600 ceramics. My custom made pick N pluck gun case that has the F & SP has 50/80,100/200,400/600,800/1000,1500 diamond grit with glass patten on back of 1500 diamond grip which I use 6 micron lapping film also 1200/1600 ceramics with 5/3.5 micron leather strop angle guide,jewelers loop,eraser & extra lapping film. Which ever system you get it will be well worth it. Best system to sharpen knives out there IMHO. I also will provide a short video of finished product with F & SP using many stones on a D2 steel mini griptilian knife & had a excellent mirror finish.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by BBBYpsi.
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    Just thought I would post one more thing on the F & SP. Tonight I took a cheap $7 small survival knife I picked up at a gun & knife show this last spring. I Used the F &SP with progressive work with the system. Here is my progression 20 degree set at B 200/400/600/800/1000/1500 diamond grit then 1200/1600 ceramic 6 micron lapping film then finally 5/3.5 micron leather strop. Finished product even if cheap knife looks fantastic & super sharp. Mirror finish on this cheap knife. Here it is with photo’s. Looks like a expensive knife now.

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    Thank you BBYpsi – it certainly looks great and your doing a great job of showing what the system is capable of.

    I’m still a bit stuck on which model. The gen 3 pro seems so much more substantial and oozes quality to me from the pictures, whereas the field and sport pro and the 130 model just seem a bit less in the quality stakes. I’m sure this is purely perception and so many people are so happy with their models I know it can’t be true – as I say just my perception from pics and videos. No local seller here in Australia and massive shipping cost are just putting the gen 3 into the stratosphere price wise. I’ve sent customer service a question on if they consider the gen 3 minus the case and even the base to help get the cost down as I don’t really need those components. I doubt they would do it but worth asking the question.

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    Well if you could call them, they have fantastic customer service & will help you to the best of your needs & wants. Good luck. By the way I bought a boat that both the Australian’s & New Zealander’s use. Only one I know in Michigan that has this boat. A 2017 1650 fisher Stabicraft with a 90 HP honda on it. Really impressed with this boat.

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    Stabicraft have a great reputation, I’ve no personal experience but I’m not surprised your happy with it BBYpsi.


    So WE customer service came back to me and they are unable to modify the gen 3 professional package so I think I am now back to WE130 vs field and sport pro. Decisions, decisions.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Ian, the F & S Pro and the WE130 are exactly the same devices except for the vise mounts.  Also, the WE130, the F & S Pro and the Gen3 Pro, all three, utilize the same vise and clamping systems.  The mount is the portion that contacts the base or the table.  The WE130 is designed with a modern Curved Style sculpted blue anodized aluminum base intended to be mounted to a base plate with screws inserted up through the base material.  The F & S Pro is made with a small, opened, space saving base designed to be “C” clamped to a table or base material when using it.  The F & S pro can be drilled to mount to a base material just like the WE130.  I know from my personal experience the WE130 and the F & S Pro are able to sharpen a wider variety of knife styles and grinds than the Gen 3 Pro, with their independent left and right side angle arm adjustments and microadjustments.  (I have and use the Gen 3 Pro and the WE130).

    I personally think you get more bang for your buck when you purchase the F & S Pro.  The basic F & S Pro includes more stones, a clamp and a carry case for portability.  If you want to mount either of these devices to a mounting base like the aluminum or granite base offered from WE these bases are sold separately.  So it’s still an additional expense.  Both units can be mounted to a large board like a wooden cutting board, easily.  I guess it depends on you handiness ability to adapt the unit to a mounting base.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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