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Clean stones?

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  • #48078
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    Please advise if stones should be washed to remove clogging matter

    on another site was told to wash diamond stones in dish washing liquid with a toothbrush

    is this recommended or not

    kind regards

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    You can use any of a number of soaps and solvents.  I use a spritz bottle of isopropal alcohol and a battery-powered scrubber when the stones get really dirty, but I don’t really see any evidence of the diamond stones clogging up with swarf.  My diamond film, however, gets quite dirty and I do the alcohol/scrubbing thing about every other knife.

    Whichever stuff you decide to use, try not to overdo it, as the plates are attached with 3M VHB (very high bond strength) double-faced tape.  Some chemicals can attack the (very sticky) tape and compromise the holding power.  Temperatures in the 150F to 200F range will also affect the tape strength.  In fact, I use a heat plate to remove the plates from the handles.  It softens the tape and allows me to peel it from the handle or the back of the  plates and handles.

    Another advisory… I frequently use lacquer thinner to remove leftover traces of permanent marker, but it will attack the ABS handles (as well as some knife handles).  Because of this, I will spritz a little thinner to a piece of paper towel so I have complete control of where it’s applied.

    Lacquer thinner works really well in removing permanent marker ink.  With just enough to wet the region, the marker ink seems to float away.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Peter, Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum!

    DO NOT useSimple Green“.  This is one of those products Tom mentioned above that will loosen the adhesive and remove the stones!

    I have, probably accumulated three sets of diamond stones that I have purchased and used over the years.   I have never cleaned them or washed them in any manner.  All I do is wipe them off with a dry paper towel or a dry terry cloth shop towel.  Whenever the may need that.

    I’m not saying you’re wrong.  I have never had anything stick in them to “cause clogging” that wouldn’t wipe right off.

    I do wash or scrub dirty knives clean before I sharpen them to remove any gunk or stuck on matter.  A green 3M pad works well for this.  May favorite is left on dried fish blood.  But that knife sharpening request usually comes along with a “gift” zip-lock bag of fresh fish!

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 22
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    When i clean mine i use Barkeepers Friend, a small stiff bristle brush. Then wipe clean.

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