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3u Diamond, Diamond Films

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  • #25968
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 208

    Hi All,

    Thinking about getting the 3u Diamond stone, some Diamond lapping film.
    Has anyone used the 3u? Would you use in between the Super Fine Ceramics, Micro Fine Ceramics?
    Then use the Films from 1.5u to the .1u to get a really nice mirror finish.
    Since they are PSA would just the 3u Diamond with the Single Glass Platen side be ok to use for all the Films?
    Hope this makes sense


    • Topics: 38
    • Replies: 2098

    I now use PSA diamond film exclusively above 1000 grit, but I’ve never used the 3 micron stones.

    If I were trying to pick a batch of stones and films strictly from the advertised grits, and if I had the micro-fine ceramics and the 1200/1600 ceramics I’d pick the following:

    1200 ceramic
    1600 ceramic
    5 or 6 micron PSA diamond film (4,000 or 3,000 grit) on the glass side of the 3 micron diamond platen
    3 micron (8,000 grit) diamond platen
    1.4 micron ceramic (13,500 grit)
    0.4 micron ceramic (about 60,000 grit)

    If your micro-fines don’t perform as advertised, buy 1 set of Aluminum or Glass platens and set them up with 1.5 and 0.5 micron diamond PSA film.

    I use 15 and 9 micron film as direct replacements for the 1200 and 1600 ceramics. Equivalent grits are 1200 and 1800 respectively. Under my microscope, they look identical. The film is just a little more consistent.

    Of course your results may be different and I haven’t noticed anyone on this forum comment about the 3 micron diamond platens and how they perform during the break-in period and after. That’s one additional nice thing about film. No break-in period.

    Marc H
    • Topics: 81
    • Replies: 2756

    I found the 3µ Diamond Plate to be way more aggressive than the 3µ Diamond lapping Film. The diamond plate scratch pattern was narrow, (scratches close together) and a little deep. I thought it was similar to a lightly worn 1000 grit Diamond Plate. I only used it when I really wanted to remove metal. But it wore in or out, how ever you want to word it, fairly quickly. Now the 3µ diamond plate no longer has even grit across the surface and no longer is aggressive. I don’t use it much anymore..

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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