Tom Nikitas
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic Selling pro pack 3 in the forum Want to Sell 5 years, 11 months ago
I purchased this mid month. USPS finally delivered it. Mike is gtg.
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic Cant cut a Post It….laying on wood in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
Re bad heat treat: having done this more than once at the shop furnace level, I’m wondering if 15 on the C scale is much, if any, “heat treatment”. I forget what dead soft is but it takes at least mid 30s to be considered “tough” and at least mid 40s for wear tough.
I had a burr/wire edge….. /:
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic Cant cut a Post It….laying on wood in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
The L set was used before it was gifted as the owner moved up to a WE. I had sharpened 15 or so knives w it to the degree mentioned above. Can not get a fine edge. Anyone else want to take shot at this please?
Tom Nikitas started the topic Cant cut a Post It….laying on wood in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Cant cut a Post It….. ??? Why?</p>
A Puma pocket folder marked RC 15. I’m thinking that may be the problem. However, using a Lansky that was given to me. I’ve had no probs with paper slicing, shaving, polishing with the previous 15 ea variety from cheap to half decent. This won’t do any of the above after work…[Read more] -
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic My WE experience in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
Keith: Yes, variations in thickness of the mounted stones is an angle accuracy factor. In the matched sets, (100-200, 400-600) but also from one set to another…think of a .025″ difference when changing to the next pair :/ .
Now here is the real kicker, rod to hole clearance not withstanding, how close to the true center line was the through h…[Read more]
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic Selling pro pack 2 in the forum Want to Sell 6 years ago
Tom Nikitas replied to the topic Total blade noob here. in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
Many thanks for the welcome Gents. It is always good to listen to experience.
I’m also basically ignorant on the use of a belt sander. I purchased one from Harbor Freight (don’t cry) a few years back as well as 3-4 specialty belts from a knife sharpening site. Only having done maybe 40-50 knives, I’m very lacking on that skill set. I did…[Read more]
Tom Nikitas started the topic Total blade noob here. in the forum Main Forum 6 years ago
- I was given an L word kit by a gentleman who upgraded to a higher end WE. My juices are flowing….maybe a WE in the future, I Love Precision being a retired toolmaker.
Honing oil, (don’t laugh) I know it floats the particles, keeps the pores free. (I used chalk on files to same end). What’s wrong with a light, generic oil?
If I’d c…[Read more]
Tom Nikitas became a registered member 6 years ago