Russ replied to the topic High Angle Issues – Large Cleaver in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Brilliant idea Dwight!
Thanks! The answer was right under my nose the whole time, but I was too blind to see it (noob here).
I can tell just by looking that will widen the guide arms out an extra inch or so on each side. I only have the 8 inch rods so that may be an issue, but I’ll give it a try. I am using the digital angle cube so the index…[Read more]
Russ replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business 4 years ago
Hi Kyle,
I really like your Youtube video explaining your methodology, thanks for your support. Your method of keeping the same angles makes great sense, but I would like to respectfully point out (please correct me if I’m wrong) that you don’t sharpen any of those knives at separate and independent bevel angles, and you are technically…[Read more]
Russ started the topic High Angle Issues – Large Cleaver in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Hi all,
Let me first say I did search the forum and knowledge bases and if this is already covered somewhere I missed it.
I have a meat cleaver about 3 1/2 inches edge to spine. WE Generation 3 commercial. Cleaver clamped in vise at bottom using no depth key. Angle setting cranked to 30, micro adjusters wide open.
I want to sharpen it at 30…[Read more]
Russ replied to the topic Using the Depth Key in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Yes sir, it has the (+/-) tension adjuster. Thanks for the links to other accessories being offered. And I agree with your views on how to approach using it. After just a few days I am more comfortable with it. I find that some knives that have been maintained well are best suited for the sharpie method and then some that are “used and…[Read more]
Russ replied to the topic Using the Depth Key in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Thanks that explains it all very well! Each knife individually different. Like in forensics.
I somewhat understand the math concepts involved (well, from high school algebra anyway). That’s the reason why I was confused about the readings I was seeing on the digital angle gauge. Once clamped, I expected it to be the same angle reading all…[Read more]
Russ replied to the topic Using the Depth Key in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Thanks for your reply, it confirms some things for me and it also brings up some things I had not thought about yet;
You need the key in the vise to hold the reference guide if you plan to use it as designed.
Using the edge height is a reference point for the geometry and settings of the machine, but it’s more valuable as a “theoretical”…[Read more]
Russ started the topic Howdy! in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years ago
New user here, just picked up a commercial unit. Hope to become proficient at using it.
Russ started the topic Using the Depth Key in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 4 years ago
Hi all, new user/owner here. I have the WE Commercial. I think I understand the concept of the unit and how everything is related to each other. You change one variable and the entire geometry changes as well. For example, the numbered angle settings are accurate when a blade is in the vise jaws and the edge of the blade is 5/8″ from the top of…[Read more]
Russ became a registered member 4 years ago