MikeyWantsAnEdge replied to the topic New Wicked Edge owner in the forum Main Forum a year ago
Hi. I too am new to sharpening with a system ( I previously have only been using spydie sticks with sub-optimal results) and I have been watching some you tube vids as well as reading online tips on sharpening. I bought a gen 3 pro and I’m interested in any tips that users might have… I collect and use pocket folders of all shapes, sizes, and ste…[Read more]
MikeyWantsAnEdge replied to the topic Sharpening as a business in the forum Sharpening as a Business a year ago
Hi Kyle.
just watched your YouTube vid on sharpening in under four minutes. I’m new to sharpening… brand new. Sand I learned quite a bit in just that one video alone. I purchased a gen 3 pro and I’m waiting on it to be delivered so I’m looking for all the tips and knowledge I can get. I’m starting from scratch here. I subscribed to your channel a…[Read more] -
MikeyWantsAnEdge started the topic New to this forum and Sharpening in the forum Welcome Mat a year ago
Hi all. So I’m new to this forum and new to sharpening mostly. I have a rather large collection of knives and the edc’s that I carry I have been using spydie sticks and a strop… with less than optimal results honestly. I would just “touch up” my knives in this way however, once they get too far out I’m lost and I’ve been sending my knives out to…[Read more]
MikeyWantsAnEdge became a registered member a year ago