-Kiku- replied to the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
In your photo, it looks like a sheet of plexiglass.
I considered the savings from buying the Pro-Pack III but decided against it for a couple of reasons:
- I don’t need/want about half of the stuff that comes in Pro-Pack III,
- I can save more $$$ by paying a little more and then take the 15% discount on every individual item (I know a…
-Kiku- replied to the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
@ MarcH,
You’ve expressed your interest in my rationales behind the choices on my NEED/WANT list. So here they are:
From the –NEED– list:
- Low Angle Adapter ($75) – All of my Japanese kitchen knives have secondary bevel angles of below 13°, beyond what the basic adapter can allow.
- Generation-3 Jaws for 1/4″ Thick Blades ($82.50) – Some of…
-Kiku- replied to the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Thank you for the advice and great suggestion. I forgot about the USB microscope…
I did a cost analysis to help me sort through what I need/want, and also to give me a reference for comparison to WE130 Pro-Pack III. Here’s what I found.
WE130 Basic Sharpener + aluminum base ($734) comes with:
- 100/200 Grit Diamond Stones Pack ($80 v…
-Kiku- replied to the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Thank you for the info, Marc. That answers most of my questions.
Contrary to what numerous YouTubers and various knife enthusiasts will have one believe, I think knife-sharpening requires considerable investment in time and commitment to be truly good at it. I believe that’s true of any art in general. And I’m one of those people who en…[Read more]
-Kiku- replied to the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Hi, Marc. Thanks for the response.
I learned about the different versions from the websites of several authorized dealers. Digging further, I found out that the numbers (i.e. 17 vs 18) refer to the year of the model. So “WE130PR3-17” was made in 2017, and “WE130PR3-18” in 2018. As to what those changes were, that’s a complete mystery to me.…[Read more]
-Kiku- started the topic Inquiry: WE130 Pro-Pack III Version 17 vs 18? in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Hi. Not sure if this is the appropriate thread to post this question, but it appears there are different versions of Pro-Pack III for WE130 on Ebay.
SKU: WE130PR3-17 vs. WE130PR3-18
What exactly is the difference(s) between the two versions other than the obvious price difference? Were there any design changes or improvements going from v…[Read more]
-Kiku- replied to the topic New Knife Collector (Just Started Last Week) in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
I don’t know how to create a new thread (nor do I remember how I created this thread here in the first place) so I am just going to ask this question right here:
Upon reading through detailed descriptions of Wicked Edge products, I think am leaning strongly towards WE130 ProPack III. However, this package (correct me if I am wrong but ProPack…[Read more]
-Kiku- replied to the topic New Knife Collector (Just Started Last Week) in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Hi, MarcH. Thanks for the detailed response. I understand much better now. And I’ll be sure to read up on the WE Shoppers and Buyers Guide and find out which of the WEPS package will serve me the best.
If I have any more questions, I’ll ask them here.
-Kiku- replied to the topic New Knife Collector (Just Started Last Week) in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Hi, Robert. I looked at both WE130 vs Generation 3 Pro. Between the two, there’s a significant difference in their angle range. Why is that so?
One would think that the higher-end model would offer a greater range of capability, but it doesn’t seem to be the case with Generation 3 Pro at least with regard to its Angle Range.
-Kiku- started the topic New Knife Collector (Just Started Last Week) in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Hi, everyone. Budding machirologist here. Hmm… do I even qualify as a machirologist when I have only two knives collected so far, kitchen cutlery sets not withstanding?
My two knives are:
- Spyderco Dragonfly 2 ZDP-189
- Borka Blades SRambit M390
My next knife will probably be either a custom blade from a renowned designer or a pro…[Read more]
-Kiku- replied to the topic Gen 4? in the forum Main Forum 5 years ago
Ditto. I am in the same situation as the OP. Given the issues with the current Generation 3 Pro, one of them being that adjustment screws become loose during use, I am waiting for the release of Generation 4 that has most, if not all, of the flaws from Generation 3 Pro fixed.
-Kiku- became a registered member 5 years ago