Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
I ordered the gen 3 pro. Thanks for all the helpful thoughts from the forum members both in this thread and across the entire forum.
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Thanks MarcH for your thoughts and experience. I guess I assumed getting 8 degree difference would be a theoretical maximum and I always thought of uneven bevels only being a couple of degrees out which the micro adjust would be able to account for. More than this I would tend to use my belt grinder on a very slow speed to even things up to…[Read more]
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Thanks organic, I’ve never considered a 70/30 grind and am not sure why I would want this so am probably a bit ignorant here. Would you care to expand a little on these? Are they offering some advantages and more common than I realise?
I guess the OCD in me wants to think of bevels either perfectly even on both sides (something that attracted m…[Read more]
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
So I’m still sitting on the fence with which system to buy but I am getting very close to purchasing and I thought I would keep this all in the same thread rather than start another “which model?” topic.
Given I am looking to purchase here in Australia there are significant differences between pricing compared to US due to exchange rate, impor…[Read more]
Ian replied to the topic Convex Edges with a Gen 3 Pro in the forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 4 months ago
Great video and a real advertisement for the convenience of the gen 3 pro for this application. You’re not making it any easier to resist one of these as I weigh up the gen 3 pro versus the 130 model!
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Stabicraft have a great reputation, I’ve no personal experience but I’m not surprised your happy with it BBYpsi.
So WE customer service came back to me and they are unable to modify the gen 3 professional package so I think I am now back to WE130 vs field and sport pro. Decisions, decisions.
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you BBYpsi – it certainly looks great and your doing a great job of showing what the system is capable of.
I’m still a bit stuck on which model. The gen 3 pro seems so much more substantial and oozes quality to me from the pictures, whereas the field and sport pro and the 130 model just seem a bit less in the quality stakes. I’m sure thi…[Read more]
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Great info again, thank you everyone.
MarchH – it sounds like you could consider selling your gen 3 pro. Shipping is a killer as I’m in Australia but let me know if your considering selling.
unfortunately there is no local distributor here and no way to see one of these in the flesh. Closest is New Zealand which isn’t a lot of help to me…[Read more]
Ian replied to the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your comments. It’s also the first time I’ve heard someone suggest that if they were to buy again and had to choose between the 130 and the gen 3 pro model that they may go with the WE 130.
From pics the field and sport pro looks like it has the horizontal arms where you set the angle at unsupported above your wor…[Read more]
Ian started the topic Field and sport pro question in the forum Main Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
hey there everyone
I seem to be on a familiar path of newcomers to the WE system trying to work out which system is best for my needs. I am a hobby knife maker, have a few user folders and the regular kitchen knives as well as fishing knives. So not looking to set up a sharpening business or anything like that but am after a quality tool.…[Read more]
Ian became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago