Dwayne Castleberry
Dwayne Castleberry replied to the topic Welcome GO Users in the forum Wicked Edge GO 7 years ago
After a much anticipated wait I finally received my WEG. After a bit of a learning curve and getting the diamond plates broken in I can say I am truly impressed. What I can do with just the 200 and 600 grit stones is impressive. I’m scared to think about the sharpness I might be able to achieve after I’ve sharpened several more knives. Gonna order…[Read more]
Dwayne Castleberry started the topic Wicked Edge Go in the forum Main Forum 7 years ago
i would love to give a review on the Wicked Edge Go but can’t. Ordered it on October 8th and still have not received it or any information since January 5th on any kind of updated information. Anybody else having this problem?? I am normally a very patient person but even I am starting to get a bit antsy.
Dwayne Castleberry became a registered member 7 years ago