Thank you again. It’s almost like a “race to the top”, isn’t it? The higher we make the holder, the longer the rods need to be, and the higher we go, the progressively smaller reduction in angle we achieve. An exponential curve, in fact 🙂
Maybe when I’ve polished enough metal off the chuck jaws, I’ll be able to get the perfect 15 degree angle? 😉
I’m wondering also if the Scandi grind on the Mora knives may be contributing, due to the tapered nature of so much of the blade? The chuck jaws are clamping onto something that is angled on both sides, so some tilt to one side wouldn’t be difficult, despite me trying to get it straight. I’ve even used slivers of wood as shims to try to get that. But I still have one of the world’s best polished chuck jaws…! And that’s despite making sure I’m not clamping onto the Scandi-ground portion of the blade.
Ah well – it’s all a learning experience. The edges I’ve achieved on knives with bigger blades is to die for, though – it’s just that all my Mora, Hultefors, Buck, Spyderco, and other bush knives have smaller blades.
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