DeeR started the topic tormec adapter getting the balde straight in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 1 month ago
I hesitate to even ask this question because it’s probably already been thoroughly covered in one of the threads but I’ve spent quite a bit of time searching and just can’t find it. So sorry if I’m being repetative but here’s my question; How do you make sure a blade is straight up and down or in a proper sharpening position when clamped in t…[Read more]
DeeR replied to the topic Wicked Edge clone in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 4 months ago
Unfortunately in today’s world when you create a product that is second to none it’s probably inevitable that something like that will happen eventually. I for one am glad to see you expose it for what it is. An attempted copy of a top rated product.