Chuck replied to the topic Raising a burr in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 11 months ago
Thank you to everyone that responded to my post, especially airscapes for the video link.
Chuck started the topic Raising a burr in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 11 months ago
I’ve been working with my WE120 and the basic stones that came with it for about 3 weeks now. I’ve read the manual many times and watched all the videos aimed at getting you started with the WE. I’ve bought some cheap knives to practice on figuring if I ruin anything it’ll just go in the garbage. Surprisingly I haven’t ruined anything yet but I…[Read more]
Chuck replied to the topic Breaking in the stones in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the quick replies I appreciate it.
Chuck started the topic Breaking in the stones in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 5 years, 11 months ago
I have sharpened about 10 knives and I’m wondering how I will know when my stones are broken in. Some of the stones are used more then others, so since breaking them in seems from what I’ve read, important. I was wondering if I would be better off just working the full stone on a thick, flat piece of steel that I have. The entire stone would be in…[Read more]
Chuck started the topic Where do I post my questions? in the forum Forum Usability Notes and Requests 5 years, 11 months ago
I have some questions but don’t know where to ask them. None of the forums seem to suggest where to post. I’ve already posted in the “Welcome Mat”, not interested in “Sharpening As A Business, haven’t taken any “Knife Photo’s”. I don’t have anything for the “Suggestion Box”, haven’t progressed to “Stropping” or developed any “Techniques and…[Read more]
Chuck replied to the topic We need your help! – Wicked Edge Learning Experience Survey in the forum Off Topic 5 years, 12 months ago
Airscapes, thank you for posting that link, I found it very helpful. I’m going to see if I can find part 2.
Chuck replied to the topic A New Old Guy in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years ago
LV, thank you for the very kind offer. I’m going to give the sharpener a try this afternoon and will let you know if I feel I will need them.
Chuck started the topic A New Old Guy in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years ago
I guess at this moment I’m the newest guy here. I have a WE 120 that a friend of mine bought before he passed away. After helping his widow sell off a lot of his tools and equipment for a fair price she pulled out this never used knife sharpener. She knew I owned a lot of knives and insisted I take it for the help and comfort I gave her during…[Read more]
Chuck became a registered member 6 years ago