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Where do I post my questions?

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  • #50094
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 5

    I have some questions but don’t know where to ask them. None of the forums seem to suggest where to post. I’ve already posted in the “Welcome Mat”, not interested in “Sharpening As A Business, haven’t taken any “Knife Photo’s”. I don’t have anything for the “Suggestion Box”, haven’t progressed to “Stropping” or developed any “Techniques and Sharpening Strategies” etc. etc. Maybe I do have something for the “Suggestion Box” how about a place where a new guy can ask some simple basic questions about getting off on the right foot.

    Marc H
    • Topics: 76
    • Replies: 2744

    Chuck, sorry for your confusion.  Thank you for trying to post your question properly by subject matter.  If you want to post your questions in the appropriate Forum Category a good place for you to start is:

    Forum > Main Forum > Techniques and Sharpening Strategies > Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies > scroll down to the bottom of the page to the posting window.  Enter your “topic of choice” in “the Topic Title Box” then post your questions in the big box below.

    Hope this helps.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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