anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
The scissors attachment is a great idea 000Robert. I used to go around the office and adopt all the neglected scissors, bring them home and put them through my rehabilitation program. Kept me in good graces with the ladies of the office! I might be able to take my performance up a notch with this machine.
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
I’m delighted with the results, so far, even with the humble 1000 grit diamond stones. One thing I wanted to do was set a few kitchen knives properly so I could touch up the apex easily with the sharpmaker. Check, it works very well. I sharpened a 12″ machete… Going over the top is fun.
You’re right, I am trying to stay in a safe orbit around…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
If you were new, like me, and ready to purchase something beyond the 800/1000 diamonds what would you get?
I am guessing the 1500/lapping films or the 1500/2200 are the logical progression. But I would like to hear from other’s who have “been there done that”.
anomad replied to the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
Good call to touch that one up in my opinion. The factory edge was barely biting into that paper. Nice video too.
anomad replied to the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
Welcome aboard Thomas B. In my experience, yes. I can sharpen a soft steel cheap paring knife down to a fine angle so it will split hairs. But it will be dull after cutting an apple into slices.
What Clay said in the link MarcH provided above jives with my game processing experience. I don’t have any S35VN blades so I can’t recommend angles or…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
Been working on some of my favorite knives now that I have a little practice. I kind of laugh at myself because some of you have years and years and thousands of sharpening sessions under your belts. Microscopes, spreadsheets full of data etc etc. I know almost nothing in comparison. I do know I was very happy this one came out very nice. It is…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
Today was an “ah-hah” moment. For obvious reasons, practice makes perfect. It was like a light bulb turned on for me today. I did 5 knives with very satisfying results.
I had gained enough confidence over the last few days of tinkering around to do some knives I am more attached to. One is a Chinese D2 el cheapo from everyone’s favorite prime…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 6 months ago
The new WE130 came in the mail today. Finally… LOL! I was waiting like a kid at Christmas. To start figuring out what the heck I was doing and rub on the stones a bit I put a 20 degree per side edge on most of a 26″ machete that I regularly abuse around the property. I figured that would cut down the “10-15 knives” I need to break in the stones.…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Benchmade “SelectEdge” in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 7 months ago
Knifecenter talked about the “SelectEdge” when it came out. He said it was basically just a narrower angle and better sharpening job than your run of the mill Benchmade. Sounds like that one you got is a winner. I’d want to look at it under magnification.
I have almost no idea how factories sharpen knives. But I can say even the budget knives I…[Read more]
anomad replied to the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 7 months ago
Hey thanks.
I have read the knowledge base thoroughly so hopefully I don’t ask too many “dumb questions”. LOL
I did not get the pro pack. Just the extra 800/1000 grit diamond stones and the aluminum base. Anxious for its arrival. Hopefully this week. I have a bunch of rarely used knives waiting to break in the stones before I get into the stuff…[Read more]
anomad started the topic Finally took the plunge… in the forum Welcome Mat 3 years, 7 months ago
Hi folks, just created an account in anticipation of receiving a WE130. From reading other forum content, I am in good company. I see several others that have also recently bought the same unit. I kept some money in my pocket and only got an aluminum base and 800/1000 diamond stones to go with the base unit. From what I’ve read/viewed a 1000 grit…[Read more]
anomad changed their profile picture 3 years, 7 months ago
anomad became a registered member 3 years, 7 months ago