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Widged Edge clamp – wrong angle!

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  • #58450
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    I have just found out that my WE is not holding the knife perfectly vertical. I have tried with other knives, but it still holds the knives with a 1 deg. tilt to the right. No matter what I do – still the same. Anybody else with the same problem?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Klaus, which model are you using?

    The W.E. standard vise models include the WE100, WE120, and WE60. For these standard vise models, when setup in the normal user’s orientation, the fixed or stationary side of the vise is positioned to the left side and the floating or moving side, is to the right with the knife pointed away from you to the rear.

    By design the standard vise may cause a flat ground or full flat ground blade to clamp slightly off vertical with a blade lean or offset towards the fixed vise side. This clamping lean can be determined then corrected or compensated for by individually adjusting each guide rod angle, separately.  Your right leaning offset suggest to me that you may have your W.E. setup oriented on your work bench so the fixed side of the vise is to the right and the floating side is to the left. Either way you prefer to orient your setup, a blade lean is common with the standard vise models and easily corrected for.

    Some users prefer to use shims placed then clamped between the knife sides and the vise to overcome the lean so the clamped blade stands vertically.




    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I have the WE120 that came with the PRO Pack2.

    I have the fixed part of the clamp to the left

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    For the WE120 in a Pro Pack 2 with the fixed vise side to the left, FG & FFG knives may clamp with a left lean. This is a well-known and documented issue.

    I have no knowledge or experience with clamped knives leaning to the right with the standard vise models. Hopefully, a forum member with more experience may provide a solution??

    Possibly you may want to review your clamping method. Here’s a video where Clay addresses the challenges encountered when sharpening FG knives with the WE120.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I haven’t noticed any ‘lean’ on my fixed vise WE60. I haven’t taken the time to check for it either. I just use the sharpie and set each side to the angle that I want and don’t worry about it. And my edge bevels look perfect. I also like my fixed side of the vise to be on the left side.

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    I thought my clamping was off – but I’ve now found out that my inclinometer is off by opprox. 1 deg. Anybody elsse with an inclinometer that is off?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Here’s a great old question that was recently presented to me, again. To let you WE users know whether it’s a new or older model, we’re here to help at this facebook group and at this Forum also.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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