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Wicked Edge lapping films and aluminium blanks?

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies Wicked Edge lapping films and aluminium blanks?

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  • #2342
    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Thanks for that Ken.
    I did some searching and could not find an email address for you. How would one get in touch with you?
    I have checked out your blog in the past and seen your pagges at Chefsknivestogo. But no email found.


    Ken Schwartz
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 90

    Thanks for that Ken.
    I did some searching and could not find an email address for you. How would one get in touch with you?
    I have checked out your blog in the past and seen your pagges at Chefsknivestogo. But no email found.


    ksskss at earthlink dot net – I’ll send you other contact info from there (skype, phone, etc)


    • Topics: 89
    • Replies: 1672

    I’ll try to get those pics up today… Clay, I would love to see your results with the lapping film tape as compared to the strop if you ever get time to run them through the mill lol.

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    I’ll try to get those pics up today… Clay, I would love to see your results with the lapping film tape as compared to the strop if you ever get time to run them through the mill lol.

    Hey Josh,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll put it on the list of to-dos. Sounds like fun!


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