Hey John,
Welcome to the forum. I think the mod can move this to the correct place.
If you have no strops yet, for your first one I would recommend the 5/3.5 (paste) on leather. This is a good all around grit. If you have not used strops on the WE I would suggest starting with regular leather as there is a bit of a learning curve, that way you don’t cut up good roo strops first time out.
If you just just want to strop to touch up the 5/3.5 or 14/10 is what I recommend for starters. If I do a quick blade stopping at 1000# then I use 14/10 and done.
For touch ups I have not stropped on the WE (before WE I used to strop by hand). When I touch up a blade on WE I go to 1000# diamonds if needed or the ceramics. Then stropping afterwords.
Someone with more experience can better speak to this topic. If you like the toothy edge then stopping at 1000# diamonds is correct. If you strop after that then you will refine the edge, remove scratches, and loose the toothy-ness.