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What kind of knife is this?

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  • #58184
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    Hi there,

    My wife has been using this type of knife for longer than I have known her.  We’re looking to replace it with something sturdier and less utilitarian.  I notice that she is using the blade towards the front at the belly and hardly cuts anything down near the handle.  When I tried to research this very, very inexpensive knife, it only comes up as a Kiwi Chef Knife, number 248.

    I’m trying to figure out what kind of knife this truly is and what type of knife could replace it that favors cutting with a belly far forward of the handle towards the tip?

    Thanks and am looking forward to any suggestions.


    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
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    That’s a classic style “butcher’s knife”. You don’t get a knife much sturdier than that.

    That’s why your wife has been using it for so long.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    From my personal experience, you should sharpen the knife for her.  Don’t try and replace her knife, it is hers, even if you know she is doing it wrong, it is how she does it and likes doing it.  I really like the 4″ Shun  I bought my wife, but she does not use it, I do.. or it would be unused.. Note: she did not ask me to buy it.. she likes what she has..   Just a little friendly HLA.. (Happy Life Advice) 🙂

    • Topics: 4
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    Thank you both for your replies.  The knife She is using now is special and wouldn’t want it to be completely replaced, though she is open to trying something new.  It is just the existing blade is very flexible, so much that the other one she has is slightly bent from extended use.  I was looking for a similar knife with a blade that is stronger.  I’m just personally surprised to how far forward on the blade she cuts vegetables with.  For sure the food doesn’t taste any different and that’s all that matters.

    • Topics: 20
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    Do some google searches for kitchen store with in driving distance.. She will want to hold some different knives as it really is like trying on cloths.. gota fit and feel good.. Good luck!


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