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WE- Whetstones???

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  • #45598
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    I saw one of Clay’s video’s where he is sharpening a Japanese  knife with whetstones using the WE. Where do you buy the stones ? He doesn’t have them advertised on the stones section of  his site. Can someone steer me in the right direction.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Barry, there are two popular brands Naniwa Choseras Whetstones and Shaptons (Pro and Glass Diamond) Stones.  Both are available from this reputable dealer.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Wicked Edge used to sell the Naniwa Chosera stones but discontinued them shortly after they brought out the diamond lapping films. I asked about it and was told that they feel the lapping films produce similar results and require less mess. I haven’t tried whetstones of any kind, so I’ll defer to Marc’s expertise.

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    Dwight Glass
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    I got my “Arkansas Stones” stones for the “Wicked Edge” from “Dan’s Whetstone”. “Jende Industries LLC” has whet stones for the “Wicked Edge”.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    I got my “Arkansas Stones” stones for the “Wicked Edge” from “Dan’s Whetstone”.

    Dwight do you use water or oil with the Arkansas Stones?.  I have a pair of the Arkansas I’ve never used.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Dwight Glass
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    Mineral Oil is what “Dan’s Whetstone” recommends, I use the Walmart food grade bottles close to the pharmacy.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Thanks Dwight, Is it messy working with Mineral oil? How do you apply it?  How do you deal with the run off and the mess?

    Where in the progression do use the Arkansas?  I just checked, I have 3 pairs; 5K, 10K, and 15K ( also labeled polisher).  I guess I could use them after the 5K Shaptons Glass.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    Dwight Glass
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    yes It can be messy. (How do you apply it?) “Hobby Lobby” sells a small plastic bottle with an eyedropper in the lid, with art paint supplies. But a stick in a cup will work to put a few drops on the stone. (How do you deal with the run off and mess?) After sharpening with a stone and before I go to the next stone I wipe the stone off with a paper towel or rag to get the metal flak off the stone. (Where in the progression do you use  the Arkansas stones?) Before I got a “Wicked Edge” sharpener, I would use the man made bench stone or pocket stone from the hardware store, then the “Arkansas stones”, and then leather, usually the belt I am wearing. With my straight razor a “black Arkansas stone” and a leather strop. With all the fine diamond grits available now I do not know where the right place is for “Arkansas stone” in the sharpening Progression. My guess is some where before stropping. I have used water with “Arkansas stones” in the past, but the place I got the last stones from recommended mineral oil.

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