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Variable Stone Thickness Adapter???

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  • #22844
    Lance Waller
    • Topics: 23
    • Replies: 138

    I purchased these a couple weeks ago and have noticed a problem with them. Example: I have an angle set that is not quite set on one of the dimples in the slide rod. The set screws on the SWAT want to go into one of those holes! Sometimes when I go to set the screw it moves them out of place and goes into one of the dimples. Anyone else experienced this or have a fix for it? :S

    Daniel maloon
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 209

    Try flipping your bar to use the flat to tighten down on

    • Topics: 38
    • Replies: 2098

    Like Dan,

    I have turned my degree bar around, so that the dimples are in the back. This allows the VSTA’s screws to clamp on a flat surface.

    The VSTAs aren’t why I turned the bar around, though. I installed the lever-arms in the front so I could clamp the rod-end base in any position. The original cone-head screws are in the back for jobs requiring incremental moves or for additional clamping force.

    Lance Waller
    • Topics: 23
    • Replies: 138

    Great idea!! Where did u get the arms and what parts did u use?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Topics: 38
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    Actually, the idea was from one of our forum buddies,VooDooDaddy, whom I haven’t seen for a while.

    I assume you are asking about the stainless locking handles. The parts can be bought from

    The locking handles are stainless steel with 10-32 thread. Part number 6522K28

    The thumb knobs are no longer phenolic as shown in the photo. They are now also Stainless steel 3/4″ diameter with unthreaded 3/16″ bore. This knob is epoxied onto the threaded portion of the locking handle. Part number is 60205K51

    The knob doesn’t undergo any forces beyond spinning with your fingertips, so it needn’t be threaded

    I think I paid about $50 for the four parts. You can go cheaper by not choosing Stainless.

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