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The Honing Steel Adnauseam!

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  • #57756
    Bill Kirkley
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 97

    I know, been there done that!  BUT, if I’m not mistaken, the end game is whether or not knife will do the job at hand, not if it has a pristine edge at some god awful  magnification.

    I have a kitchen knife that I sharpened on my Wicked Edge two or three years ago. Since then I hone it with a steel every few days. It will still cut a tomato.

    So I will give a lonely thumbs up for the honing steel.

    As for those photos of all the damage to the edge remember they are greatly magnified. I would imagine if you put a just mirror edge sharpened blade under high enough magnification, it would look terrible!

    Bill Kirkley
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 97

    Somehow the photos didn’t make it!


    Bill Kirkley
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 97

    I will try an edited video again.


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    Yep, the Wicked Edge systems get knives really sharp. But where they really shine is in reprofiling blades. You get a perfect edge apex.

    • Topics: 11
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    I need to do some before/after pics of a blade sharpened with the WEPS and then burnished on a smooth steel. In my experience, it makes for a much smoother-cutting knife, but I haven’t used it after the WEPS yet.

    The steel is at home, and my sharpening/photography is done in the shop at work, so I need to get my feces cohesive.

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