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sharpening a meat cleaver

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  • #48026
    Michael Blakley
    • Topics: 29
    • Replies: 28

    I would really appreciate some advice on sharpening a meat cleaver.

    The one I spent a couple of weeks “restoring” was just like this one:

    The first challenge was to remove all the rust (it was solid rust when I started).  So I buffed off the rust, then used various grits of sand paper and a lubricant called Alumicut then finished it with Gords.  That got the blade to a good look.  Now it’s time to sharpen the thing.

    To find the angle, I rocked a WE sharpening stone back and forth on the edge until it felt seated.  Then my wife attached the magnetic angle finder while I held the stone in place.  I did that on each side to find the existing bevel angle.  But I never seemed to get the stone to stay on the entire bevel & edge.  (Hollow grind? or something like that?)

    Anyway, the cleaver is now usable.  It’s in much better shape than when I got it.  But I don’t think it’s 100%.  More like 90%.  If I take on another cleaver, what advice do you have?

    Thanks for your help and insights

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Michael I would still have a go at like I replied the first time you posted a thread questioning how to sharpen the knife cleaver.

    It is clear now from the pictures it’s truly a “meat cleaver”.  The only thing different I will add now, knowing it is an older used meat cleaver is to say that I doubt the existing bevel can be used as any reference for what the original edge or edges were.  It’s probably been sharpened many times and many times differently, throughout it’s life time.  The rocking of the stone on the bevel suggest to me the edge is beveled or curved.  This can happen by being sharpened that way, convexed, intentionally, or by being sharpened differently or haphazardly and inconsistently over time till it became like that from the blending of all the old edges..

    I think now you need to decide where you want to go with this meat cleaver.  I’d profile it as I said  and see how that works for you.  Put a sharp single 50/50 wide bevel on.  Say 22-25º.  Use it and go from there.

    Also, I want to add, you did a beautiful job restoring that cleaver.  You should be proud of that effort.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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