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Rockstead HIGO X-IW-ZDP Japanese Folding Knife

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  • #22651
    Gib Curry
    • Topics: 18
    • Replies: 240

    So I’m reading this and other knife forums and when I hear about an interesting knife I go read about it. So, I hear about the Rockstead HIGO X-IW-ZDP Japanese Folding Knife 3-1/2″ Blade. (–blade-ironwood-handles)

    It’s only $1,221.00. :blink: :sick:

    In the description of the blade it says:

    The blade of ZDP189 can cut Manila rope 1,000 times, and slices paper afterwards. The bottom of this blade edge angle is 30 degrees, and it’s continuously change to the top of the blade. The top edge’s angle is 24 degrees. This change angle is a result of the sharpness pursuit of Rockstead. This knife is preeminent sharpness.

    So, I’m off in my imagination on how to accomplish a successful transition from 12 dps to 15 dps…..

    Anyone here done something like that? How’d ja doit?

    I can imagine putting it in the vice, using the Sharpie and getting incredibly confused as I tried to match bevel angles all along the length…. The measurements would be giving me the facts but the facts just wouldn’t have fit into any conceptual box I had about blade angles. :S

    …. and how bad would it be ruined when I decided to just give it an even bevel and started removing steel?


    I’m going to have to buy a lot more lottery tickets and win a lot more lotteries before I could ever afford or justify this knife being in my personal EDC rotation….. but interesting reading about it….

    For Now,



    "Everyday edge for the bevel headed"

    "Things work out best for those who make the best out of the way things work out."

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 191

    I interpret that quote differently. I think it is merely describing a convex grind that is 30° at the apex and 24° at the top of the grind. Both angles inclusive I would presume.

    Daniel maloon
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 209

    Well which ever way you would like to interpret it, it can be done. It’s just hard to tell from the photos online.

    Leo Barr
    • Topics: 26
    • Replies: 812

    I have 3 (Beetle , Un-ZDP & a Chou with Iron Wood Handle) Rocksteads and the way Imagine it is done and how I have done it is to gentle raise the spine as one progresses back towards the heel almost a slight twisting motion.
    Rockstead factory sharpen their blades by hand using sand paper it is one of the few parts of the4 production process done by hand I would expect that those doing this have become very proficient at this .

    Gib Curry
    • Topics: 18
    • Replies: 240

    I interpret that quote differently. I think it is merely describing a convex grind that is 30° at the apex and 24° at the top of the grind. Both angles inclusive I would presume.

    LOL…. 😆

    Out of one box and into another….. didn’t even think about it being a “simple” convex grind….. lol

    For Now,



    "Everyday edge for the bevel headed"

    "Things work out best for those who make the best out of the way things work out."

    Gib Curry
    • Topics: 18
    • Replies: 240

    I have 3 (Beetle , Un-ZDP & a Chou with Iron Wood Handle) Rocksteads and the way Imagine it is done and how I have done it is to gentle raise the spine as one progresses back towards the heel almost a slight twisting motion.
    Rockstead factory sharpen their blades by hand using sand paper it is one of the few parts of the4 production process done by hand I would expect that those doing this have become very proficient at this .

    I looked those knives up… beautiful. And not unreasonably priced.

    For Now,



    "Everyday edge for the bevel headed"

    "Things work out best for those who make the best out of the way things work out."

    tuffy braithwaite
    • Topics: 184
    • Replies: 360

    I have 3 (Beetle , Un-ZDP & a Chou with Iron Wood Handle) Rocksteads and the way Imagine it is done and how I have done it is to gentle raise the spine as one progresses back towards the heel almost a slight twisting motion.
    Rockstead factory sharpen their blades by hand using sand paper it is one of the few parts of the4 production process done by hand I would expect that those doing this have become very proficient at this .
    i still have not been able to find it………………..god i like it……the flipper one with s/s scales. – u know.

    Leo Barr
    • Topics: 26
    • Replies: 812

    Here you are pictures I made a case for the Beetle 3 ply Black leather Ray Skin onto of natural leather.

    The Beetle & the Chou are YXR7 + DLC coating
    The Un is ZDP189 clad by VG10

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