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Recommend some EDC knives/steels

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  • #45836
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    I’m going to have to confess, I’ve never cared much about steels and detailed build bits related to my EDC knives.  My sharpening attempts have barely done a respectable job, if even that.  I carry ok knives, nothing super spendy.  Kershaw, SOG, and CRKT are the most common in my EDC drawer.

    Now that I have a Wicked Edge on the way, I’m going to have to pay attention to what I’m putting in the EDC drawer.

    That being said, what are your recommendations to a new feller as they pertain to knives and steels that you EDC and why you like them.  Or, what you don’t like to EDC for that matter.

    Brands I will likely buy (due to sweet deals at work), Kershaw, ZT, SpyderCo, SOG, Cold Steel, Outdoor Edge.  I’m not against going with a different brand but will likely stay with these unless the price is fantastic.  In the above brands, I’ll probably stay under $150-200 retail.

    Thanks for the tips!!!   Ha, see what I did there!!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by carguy4471.
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    I don’t really own an EDC that I love right now. There are several ZT, Spyderco, and Benchmade models on my radar, but my employer doesn’t allow people to carry a pocket knife and the carry laws in Massachusetts are downright draconian, so I rarely have a blade on me anymore. My money has been invested in kitchen blades instead.

    My want to buy list includes the Manix 2, Paramilitary 2, BM 940, BM Nakamura, BM crooked river, ZT 0550, ZT 0808, and ZT 0804Cf to mame a few.

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    The manix and paramilitary are 2 that have made the list of knives to consider.  I’ll have to check out those ZT models you listed as well.  I appreciate the input!!

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    Spyderco definitely, superb products and customer support. ZT are a really great quality, warranty support is decent but hit or miss sometimes. Benchmade has great support and one nice thing about them (and ZT) is that you can purchase a replacement blade on any current models for $30-50 (Spyderco doesn’t do this). Another one to consider, I have one from a customer right now and it really feels like top quality… Boker Bullpup – solid nice looking liner lock thumb opener. I’ve had good experiences with VG10 on Kizers as well.

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    Any thoughts on s30v vs vg10, s35 sorta stuff?  I’ve never really paid attention to what sorta steel my knives had.  I know that heat treat makes a big difference and varies by manufacturer but are there any steels I should avoid for EDC, or any that really excel??

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    My edc’s are a zt in Elmax and a cold steel in ctx xhp also a spyderco in s30

    The Elmax is the one I use the most but harder to sharpen

    The s30v and the xhp I feel are similar with a nudge towards the xhp


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    Any thoughts on s30v vs vg10, s35 sorta stuff? I’ve never really paid attention to what sorta steel my knives had. I know that heat treat makes a big difference and varies by manufacturer but are there any steels I should avoid for EDC, or any that really excel??

    The difference between s 30v and s35v is that s35v will chip more due to it chemical make up so u have to be a little more careful on what and how u cut

    As far as edge holding goes I feel they are pretty equal in that respect

    1. This is my opinion from my experience
    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Harder steels can definitely be harder to sharpen.  If your relatively new to using the WE, I would wait till your technique is sound and your confident with your results and your stones are well broken in before attempting a knife made with what I call “Super Stainless Steels”, (e.g., maxamet, zdp-189. s90v, Sg-2, and Hap-40).  These steels can be more difficult to sharpen then some of the less hardened more contemporary steels.  I have also found their tempering may be inconsistent and can vary sometimes greatly from knife maker to knife maker.  If you read reviews on knives made with these steels you find both ends of the spectrum. Those that love them and find them no different to sharpen and those that found them hard to deal with and very chippy.  I have two different knives made of the same super steel by different makers that sharpen totally differently.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    When I get my new WE setup I plan to run through the knife drawer sharpening all the old EDC cheapos, $20-$40 kershaws and bargain bin stuff, then once I’m a bit comfortable I’m going to do a dozen or so hunting knives for some co-workers, then I’ll work on my current and slightly nicer EDC knives…  the $50-$100 Sogs and kershaws.  That’s the game plan anyhow.

    It seems like the ones I’ve been eyeing up are mostly S30, S35, VG10.  Are these decent steels, in regards to EDC??

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Are these decent steels, in regards to EDC??

    I’ve found a lot of helpful information here.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    ve found a lot of

    Thanks Mark!!!  That chart is way over my head but it looks like there is a ton of good information there for me to dig through!!

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Don’t cut yourself short….just read the sections that interest you.  It’s less complicated then it looks and pretty enlightening.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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