Thanks, Marc.
I read everything I could find before starting with the WEPS. I’d like to have broken in the stones better, but all my knives are users, so which to sacrifice?
I thought, as I understood it, that SOP for re-beveling a bade was to work with the 100 grit on one side until a burr can be detected, then do the same on the other. I counted the strokes this time in hopes of keeping the apex centered, but found that the honing on the first side had moved the apex down and to the other, meaning it took fewer strokes on that side to both get a burr and uniform bevel–within my ability to measure.
As for the progression through the rest of the stones, I do use alternating strokes and light pressure. I check with my B&L 10X loupe to be sure I’ve honed out all the marks from the previous stone before moving on to the next. I’ve been sharpening on hand-held stones for decades and this had been my SOP. I just couldn’t get a consistent bevel angle anymore with aging hands and eyes.
I finished the blade on the WE by taking a few tip-to-heel downward strokes, which removed the tiny remaining burr.
I look forward to getting a set of finer stones when my pocketbook recovers from the purchase of the Pro G3!