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marking the blade

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  • #53815
    • Topics: 5
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    has anyone ever used numbered punches to mark the blade of the angles used with WEPS  . Or is the metal too hard to mark with these

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 84
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    Eric the beauty of the W.E. is the ease of (re)profiling the edge angles.  I wouldn’t want to punch label my knives.  The sharpening angle is listed in my sharpening log along with the W.E. clamping position and other pertinent information I keep on each knife I sharpen.  After using knives for a while, to get a good feel for the edge’s durability, we can tweak the bevel angle to get the most out of our knives for the way we use them.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 5
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    I didn’t give that any thought at the time. That makes sense. I’m just getting a little bored, even though I can leave the house as an Essential member of society. lol. Working on getting on my wifes nerves. It’s amazing how good I am at that, and with such little effort it takes.

    Stay Sane people………

    Dwight Glass
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    I have needed to change the angle on my knives. I would not want those degrees stamped on the knife.

    I do some times put a small scratch on the side of my blade to mark where the center of the vice should be. Then touch that spot with “Permanent Marker” so I can see it, when I put the knife in the vice.

    The “Permanent Marker” comes off with Alcohol.

    • Topics: 38
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    Ever since I began, I standardized on 20 dps, unless there was a reason not to.  In any case, I keep an Excel sharpening logbook on the computer running my microscope, on which I record everything about each knife;  owner, description, type of steel, which vise I used, high or low key position, distance from tip to vise, the original angle, current angle, microbevel (Y/N?), grits used, etc. and any comments.

    With good kitchen knives, I’d be afraid to hit one with a stamp as it might crack if it wasn’t annealed, but as pointed out above, it doesn’t sound like a good idea anyway.

    Glenn Goodlett
    • Topics: 3
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    I use an app to keep track of my knife collection and I put sharpening data in one of the fields as well as BESS numbers, etc. The app works pretty well and the data is on the cloud so it is available on my phone, ipad, and confuser (computer).


    Unfortunately the sharpening data is hidden from public view as well as cost and other stuff.

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