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Looking for a new Kershaw

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  • #9763
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    Random Task II came in… here’s a couple quick shots comparing it to a S30V Leek that has G10 scales…

    Noticeably bigger, but feels good in the hand. Tip is deceptively “pointy”… more than I expected… spine tapers to a fine point. Only thing I noted is the thumb studs don’t have much clearance… I could open it with either hand, but it’s close… not sure I could hit it with gloves on. But flips well! You can carry it tip up on either side, tip down on one side.

    You should also take a look at the knife Sauce posted… that looks pretty nice.

    Decisions… decisions… 😛

    • Topics: 57
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    Hey Mark…

    Just ran across this… did you see Kershaw/ZT is coming out with a smaller 560?


    Jeremy Long
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    I just got a cryo.. it is a great knife especially for the price.. the only downside is its all steel so its a tad heavy.. I don’t see that as a big deal though

    • Topics: 179
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    Hey Mark…

    Just ran across this… did you see Kershaw/ZT is coming out with a smaller 560?


    Interesting… I love my 560! It’s just quite big.

    However, what makes it less suitable for my purpose here (ability to use it blind, so to say) is that it doesn’t easily close single-handedly: the thumb stud often accidentally hits my thumb when I close it. (Í guess that’s why it’s called a thumb stud B) .)

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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    I GIVE UP!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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    I know what I want now: a Kershaw Leek with a G10 handle. Now I’ve just got to find a European store that sells it or a US store that ships to Europe. (Which is not that easy. For example, BladeHQ and Amazon don’t ship knives to Europe, even when they’re perfectly legal.)

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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    I know you want a Kershaw… but saw this in the store the other day…

    It’s a Benchmade Emissary 470-1. I only handled it for a couple minutes, but seemed like a decent knife, although I would consider it a “light duty” knife, but similar in size/profile to a Leek. (I do think the Leek is more durable).

    S30V / Assisted Opening / 3 in. blade. And I could close it one handed (I know you mentioned this before, but it’s small enough it’s easy to manipulate).

    If you’re feeling rich, spring for the ‘Gold Class” version…

    (Just wanted an excuse to post the pic.)

    • Topics: 179
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    It’s a great and particularly usable knife. A real pity I’m on a “knife diet” right now…

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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    Mark, don’t know if you found the knife you were looking for or not, but wanted to tell you of another great knife………my EDC is a Kershaw Echelon, and I have been very pleased with it. I have been carrying it daily for over a year now with no issues.

    It has the speed safe assisted opening, very thin and lightweight with green translucent G10 handles, has a nice belly to the blade, with a very stout / strong spine, no flipper, but does have a thumbstud , closes easily with one hand, with a 3″ blade, with multi-position pocket clip………clip is a little smaller than I like, but usable.

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