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Just got a Wicked Edge go

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  • #47928
    Travis Santelmann
    • Topics: 2
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      <li style=”text-align: right;”>First of all, I am a terrible free hand sharpener and I’m new to knives. I’ve always been in to guns.

    I just bought a Wicked Edge GO WE50, and I purchased the 800/1000 Grit Diamond stones, and a Angle Finder to go with it.


    I bought my first knife about 2 weeks ago a Spyderco Tenacious 8cr13mov. Then I bought s Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Blurple in S110V from BladeHQ.

    The whole sharpening setup ran me $300 bucks from Amazon.

    I just wanna get some really sharp edges, any recommendations, or tips before I start sharpening? My angle finder will be here Monday.


    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 83
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    Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum Travis.  I suggest you watch all the YouTube videos can find on sharpening with the Wicked Edge.  Don’ be concerned with which model is showcased in the video.  Pay attention to the method and technique.  Clay Allison the owner and creator of the Wicked Edge Precision Systems (WEPS) has made quite a few videos himself.  All are worthwhile viewing.

    Second I suggest you read whatever you can in the Wicked Edge GO Forum.

    Just so you know the method and technique used to sharpen knives with all the WEPS are basically the same.   All the systems are a precision guided fixed angle sharpener that allows you to securely clamp a knife, edge up, to allow you to sharpen both sides simultaneously at a determined angle of your choice.  The difference lies in the clamping mechanism and the featured options and accessories associated with each model.

    I would not recommend you sharpen one of your new, sharp, knives.  Use them and enjoy them.  When they need to be sharpened down the road you’ll be ready to sharpen them at that time.  Start your learning journey into to Wicked Edge sharpening on inexpensive knives that need to be sharpened.  Learn with your old well worn kitchen knives.  Offer family and friends to sharpen their old beat up knives.  Many new users find knives to learn with at their local thrift stores.  A fixed blade knife, like a kitchen knife, is easier to learn to clamp and sharpen then is a folding pocket knife.

    It usually takes about as long to get the hang of sharpening with the WEPS as it does to break in your Wicked Edge Sharpening stones.  That’s usually 10 to 15 knives for most users.  In the mean time we’re here to help.  Enjoy your new hobby

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Travis Santelmann
    • Topics: 2
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    Welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum Travis. I suggest you watch all the YouTube videos can find on sharpening with the Wicked Edge. Don’ be concerned with which model is showcased in the video. Pay attention to the method and technique. Clay Allison the owner and creator of the Wicked Edge Precision Systems (WEPS) has made quite a few videos himself. All are worthwhile viewing. Second I suggest you read whatever you can in the Wicked Edge GO Forum. Just so you know the method and technique used to sharpen knives with all the WEPS are basically the same. All the systems are a precision guided fixed angle sharpener that allows you to securely clamp a knife, edge up, to allow you to sharpen both sides simultaneously at a determined angle of your choice. The difference lies in the clamping mechanism and the featured options and accessories associated with each model. I would not recommend you sharpen one of your new, sharp, knives. Use them and enjoy them. When they need to be sharpened down the road you’ll be ready to sharpen them at that time. Start your learning journey into to Wicked Edge sharpening on inexpensive knives that need to be sharpened. Learn with your old well worn kitchen knives. Offer family and friends to sharpen their old beat up knives. Many new users find knives to learn with at their local thrift stores. A fixed blade knife, like a kitchen knife, is easier to learn to clamp and sharpen then is a folding pocket knife. It usually takes about as long to get the hang of sharpening with the WEPS as it does to break in your Wicked Edge Sharpening stones. That’s usually 10 to 15 knives for most users. In the mean time we’re here to help. Enjoy your new hobby


    Hey, I just ordered the 10/14 micron strops with diamond compound to finish the edge with. I figured it was equivalent to about 1,400 or 1,600 grit. Just to provide a little bit of a keener edge. I’ll have those Monday with my angle finder too. I can’t wait to start sharpening! What do you think about the 10/14 strops?

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 83
    • Replies: 2773

    If I was to choose only one pair to use I’d go with the 4µ/2µ combination to follow my 1000 grit diamond stones.  There is nothing wrong with the 14µ/10µ, just a little coarse for my needs.  Someone else may have a different opinion.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 17
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    I think Marc hit all of the most important points. I strongly agree that you want to start on a knife that you don’t care about too much. Sharpening with the WE is easy to get the hang of. You’ll probably have a nice and sharp edge on your first attempt. What takes time is learning how to get the edge that extra 10 or 20 percent of additional sharpness that makes the edges whittle hair rather than just shave. It also takes time and experience to learn how to make the edge look really good (even bevel width from heel to tip and side to side with a nice polish).

    I like the 10/14 strops and I think they are a fine choice for use after the 1000 grit stone. They will work quickly because of the coarse grit. Stropping is something that I’d suggest you learn about before diving in. Make sure that you use only edge trailing strokes otherwise you’ll gouge the leather.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Travis Santelmann
    • Topics: 2
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    My biggest confusion is this, I watch a video and a guy sharpens a knife a 30 degrees inclusive or 15 each side, and it becomes hair shaving sharp after just a few minutes.

    But, I keep reading that I’m supposed to sharpen at 30 degrees inclusive, then switch to a 40 degrees, or the angle of choice for the micro bevel.

    So, which is it? Should I sharpen at 30 inclusive until it’s sharp, then lightly sharpen at a different degree for my micro angle?


    Thanks for all the help everyone. I actually canceled the 800/1000 Diamond stones order from Amazon. And I just decided on the WE 10/14 micron diamond strops instead.  They were much cheaper, and I was able to save some money.

    So im going to go straight from 600 grit to stropping with the 10/14 Diamond compound.

    My only knives are a Spyderco Tenacious, and a PM2 in S110V Blurple.

    I will practice on the Tenacious. It’s pretty dull, and really needs to be fully sharpened as I have messed it up a little trying to free hand without any successful sharpness whatsoever lol.

    ^ this is what has driven me to order all of this out of pure frustration. Luckily my PM2 in S110V holds an edge for a while.

    I’m looking forward to Monday. I’m ready to sharpen some stuff. I’m very grateful I ordered the angle finder too, or else I don’t think I would be 100% confident.

    • Topics: 17
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    Deciding what angle to go with or whether you want to add a micro bevel are things that are a matter of personal taste. I would use a sharpie to match the existing angles on the knife and go with that for now. 15 degrees per side is a fine choice for most Spyderco blades so you can do that if you’d prefer. For the first few knives don’t worry about adding a micro bevel. A micro bevel won’t make the knife any sharper, but it does offer some advantage in terms of edge retention.

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    I would suggest you sharpen the spyderco paramilatary 18-20 degrees per side. Do not go less with this knife. This knife has a steel that was meant to work not to really hair splitting sharpness. It was meant to be a work horse. I suggest getting a few cheap knives to practice on first. I have the WE go with the deluxe case which allows me to carry two extra sets of stones & you can also fit the eraser,jewelers loop & angle guide in it. It was a very nice surprise when those fit. I carry the stones that came with it & the 800/1000 & 1200/1600 ceramics in it.

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