I couldn’t find your particular knife in a search, so here’s generally how to sharpen a chisel grind. Match the bevel on the chisel ground side, (you can color the bevel with a Sharpie)… you may have to move the angle arm out as far as it will go – you can also lower the knife in the clamp if you need to. Then sharpen the chisel side to the desired finish minus stropping. Since you’re matching the bevel, you probably only need a fine diamond stone, then ceramics if you have them.
When done, remove the knife and deburr the back side by laying it flat (or nearly flat if you don’t want to mess up the finish) on a fine stone or ceramic (usually the stone you finished the front side with) and make a couple of light – edge leading passes to deburr it. Then, if you want, you can return the knife to the WE and lightly strop it with leather… again matching the chisel side and moving the other arm as close in as you can. (You can polish the front side as much as you want, but don’t strop the back too much or you’ll create a bevel on the back side… do just enough to keep the burr away.)
Should be sharp! 🙂
Make notes on how you set it up, so you can repeat the next time it needs a sharpening or touch-up!