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  • #45963
    Marc H
    • Topics: 76
    • Replies: 2744

    Welcome new users and new Forum members to the Wicked Edge Forum. It’s nice to see some Forum activity from newer Forum members and new Wicked Edge users.  I just want to take a minute to remind you that there are very few issues that you will come up with, that others users, before you and before me didn’t already experience.  I have found that almost every question I ever posted to the Forum was asked and answered by those experienced Wicked Edge users who were here before me, and chose to stay around to give help.

    I invite you knew users with your questions to attempt to use the “Search Feature”. I admit it’s not the easiest “search” to get the handle on. Or you also may click the “Forum” button on the very top right of the Forum page, then read through the Forum Categories and dig into the areas that best describes your issue.

    You may find the answer to your question quicker than the Forum can get to it, to answer it,and often times more completely answered and covered with better forum expertise. There is a ton of Forum experience to be gleaned from reading back to earlier Forum Posts.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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