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  • #59140
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 422

    I don’t care for your politics and your accusations. This isn’t a political website.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 11

    It’s not difficult to reduce or maintain an artificially inflated price.  If by “dropping the price” you mean offering promotional discounts against the aforementioned artificially inflated price, that is Capitalism.  The sales went through the floor so they offer a sales price because they were hemorrhaging  money.  That sale prices is probably still in the range of a 400% mark up.  I just pray you were able to pay off all that R&D.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 11

    You posted the picture.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 422

    You’re just a troublemaker. I reported you.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 11

    Same here.  Obviously my assumption struck a nerve.  You’re the one making an assumptions about my politics.  Isn’t that what you wrote?

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 422

    Actually, I laughed. Goodbye.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 11

    Oh well good then.  I thought I upset you.  I didn’t realize you pulled a stich laughing.  I hope I was able to lighten your day.

    Have a super day.

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2939


    Clay here, founder of Wicked Edge. You’re making a lot of unfounded assumptions, so please allow me to set you straight.

    1. First, you’re assuming that we’re making buckets of profit. In this first assumption, you’re dead wrong.
      1. I’m guessing you don’t have a lot of familiarity of what it takes to run a business these days. There is a lot more that goes into producing a product besides the costs of materials. If you would like to learn more, there is a wealth of information online about overhead, marketing, payroll, benefits, taxes, packaging, assembly, R&D and the plethora of other expenses that businesses incur. These costs are only the start of all the expenses needed to design, manufacture, market and fulfil products to customers. Along the way, every vendor and municipality gets their cut. Then we have to add in some margin for any resellers or online platforms where we sell. And don’t forget transaction fees at every step.
    2. Second, you seem to assume that the engineering and manufacturing of our products is inferior to a stamped and mass produced Winchester. Again, dead wrong (not that there is anything wrong with their products, I love my Model 94 30-30 and my Model 12 shotguns.)
      1. Take a look at the part count of some Winchester products.
        1. How many total parts does a Model 94 have? It has 81 total parts including screws, pins and springs. Check the price here.)
        2. How many are precision machined?
      2. Now take that number, especially the precision machined number, and compare it with the Gen 4
        1. The Gen 4 has 163 parts, a large number of which are precision machined – nothing is stamped or extruded.
        2. Add in 12 premium diamond stones that typically go for around $25 each online for a total of $300 in diamond stones alone.
        3. You should get the picture pretty soon.
      3. As far as engineering, the sharpeners have each undergone thousands of hours of design and engineering from our team of 6 along with dozens of iterations and months of rigorous testing.
    3. You assume that we don’t value our customers’ intelligence. One more time, you’re dead wrong.
      1. Please check out the forum and all the years’ worth of conversations we have in which we dive deep with our customers and share our experience while learning from theirs and working to update our products based on their needs. Same thing on all of the other platforms where we engage with our customers.

    Bottom line – I get it if you personally don’t see the value; after all, to each their own. But please don’t disparage a company you know nothing about. It’s insulting to me and my team after all that we put into designing, manufacturing and supporting products that we believe in. You impugn our integrity and you insult our existing customers and it’s entirely uncalled for. If you do want to engage in a meaningful dialog, without the insults and posturing, we’re here to talk. If your intent is to continue attacking everyone here and to not engage in genuine discourse, I’ll ask you to move along and torture some other company that is trying to produce and support a quality USA made and lifetime warrantied product.


    • This reply was modified 12 hours, 20 minutes ago by wickededge.
    • This reply was modified 12 hours, 5 minutes ago by wickededge.
    • This reply was modified 12 hours, 5 minutes ago by wickededge.
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