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  • #129
    • Topics: 3
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    I am sure I am not the only one going a bit nuts counting the hours until I get my WEPS which is not due until Sept. It would be great if there was some sort of automated sytem one coud sign into to determine due date or get an update without plaguing the staff with individual emails.

    I was thinking of making a youtube of me singing “I want my WEPS” to the tune I want my MTV… but my dog starts barking and whining everytime I sing. Maybe I’ll hum with the lyrics printed out.

    • Topics: 123
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    Thank you for the chuckle first thing Monday morning 🙂 I can tell you that they’re due in on the 29th. From there, QC happens and shipping starts. Then it’s just a matter of going in order number to get them all out. We’ve got extra staff on board to get them out the door a little quicker.


    Scott Babineaux
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 80

    Hey Clay,

    Hopefully you and the staff are very busy this morning. 🙂

    I(we) would love an update when/if you find the time. And maybe even the highest order number you think will ship.

    jeff williams
    • Topics: 1
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    Clay…fill us in…You wouldn’t want me to come out there and stab you with a DULL knife 😆
    thanks Jeff

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    Its not here yet!!

    Christmas in September I guess!

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    I think we’re all watching the mail box and doing the ‘kids on Christmas eve’ thing. 😆

    jeff williams
    • Topics: 1
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    Just wondering when you guys ordered?
    trying to figure out where I’m at in line:unsure:

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    I put mine in on the 15th of June. 🙂

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    July 2. I am waited with baited breath…

    jeff williams
    • Topics: 1
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    I ordered at Blade show on Friday so hopefully I’m toward the front also.
    I know there were quite a few sold at the show

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    On the old webpage account system, my projected ship date was Sept 16. When I made a change to my order at the beginning of August, I was also told my ship date was Sept 16. Sooo- I guess my ship date is around Sept 16.

    I still am impatiently/patiently waiting…

    • Topics: 3
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    I placed (and paid) for mine on “Date Ordered: Thursday 04 August, 2011” and just got an email that my ship date is expected to be “by November 11”


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    Looks like WEPS missed a 1, should be a 16-18 week delay vice 6-8 week time frame. Did you send email for update – I ordered day after 5 Aug 11.:(

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    June 10 for me. Anxiously awaiting also!!

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    Well, working in manufacturing I certainly can’t rib someone too hard about a machining error resulting in a delay of shipment. D’oh…

    You know what they say; “Good, Cheap, Fast. Pick any two.” Personally, I’ll wait a bit longer. 🙂

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