i think you may be headed in the right direction by rubbing the like-grit ceramic stones against each other, using light but firm pressure. Don’t try that with your diamond stones.
Circular strokes are just fine, but don’t do it with soft media like strops. You’ll slice them to bits. Eventually you’ll settle in on a set of stroke patterns that work well for you, and each knife will need a particular strategy which might include a combination of strokes.
Usually, when you see others using scrubbing strokes, it’s to remove more material in a given area. The amount of steel removed from any given point along an edge will be a function of grit, pressure and the length of stone passing that given point for each stroke. If you are using long, diagonal strokes, the length of stone passing that point will be slightly more than 3/4″ inch. A up-and-down scrub stroke concentrated at that same point would be closer to 6 inches, or four times as much. Circular strokes do much the same, but cover a larger area.
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