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Abbreviated comments in knife database

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  • #41057
    • Topics: 38
    • Replies: 571

    Was looking at the new knife database and noticed that in the comments section, the comments were abruptly cut off after a few words as if a maximum character limit had been reached.

    developer (ChrisB)
    • Topics: 52
    • Replies: 263

    Thanks for pointing this out, and apologies that I hadn’t caught it before. There was an inadvertent character limit set, which was truncating the comments. It’s now set to allow the maximum of 100k characters. Unfortunately, the truncated text (from previous submissions) is gone. However, if anyone is the author of a submission, please reply here or PM me and I can add the missing text. All future submissions should be good-to-go.

    Working to make a great forum!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
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