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New WE130 owner

Recent Forums Main Forum Welcome Mat New WE130 owner

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  • #56112
    • Topics: 1
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    New We130 owner👍Looking forward to learning how to create a Wicked Edge.

    Marc H
    • Topics: 81
    • Replies: 2755

    Welcome to the W.E. Forum, Larry.  There is a lot of good helpful user’s information compiled in this forum.  Coincidentally, there is an abundance of worthwhile reading, thread after thread, here in the “Recent” forum directory, right now.  These threads will likely address issues you and other new W.E. users will experience.  It’s unusual to find such a helpful compilation together in one place.  Sparing the need to go back through the older forum pages searching for answers.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 422

    Welcome to the forum, Larry. I’ve owned my WE130 for 9 months now and I love it! It’s the finest sharpening/reprofiling system available anywhere. I started with a Pro Pack III with travel/storage case. I added 12″ guide rods, scissor attachment, 2200/3000 grit stones, and some aftermarket stuff.


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