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Clay: how did you sharpen the Takeda?

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  • #20364
    • Topics: 179
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    I just saw this post of a Takeda on the Wicked Edge Facebook page:

    I don’t know whether you on your field trip already, but I’m curious how you managed to get such a wide bevel. You must have gone to a really low angle…

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

    • Topics: 123
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    I just saw this post of a Takeda on the Wicked Edge Facebook page:

    I don’t know whether you on your field trip already, but I’m curious how you managed to get such a wide bevel. You must have gone to a really low angle…

    Hi Mark,

    I used the low angle adapter and got it down to about 7 degrees per side.


    Leo Barr
    • Topics: 26
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    That sounds a good angle the one thing I quite like on such knives is the misty finish that Nubatamas , King stones or natural stones give which really shows up the lamination between the hard blade steel & the softer coverr steel that makes up most of the surface.
    I have a Takeda Petty & a small folding knife both of which I either finish with an 800 King stone or a Nubatama bamboo 1K so they are quite toothy but been such a low angle cut extremely well.
    I felt I had lost part of the almost rustic finish when I used Choseras on one of them.
    My Nakiri Honyaki on the other hand I use both Chosera 10K and Shapton Pro 16K to finish on it does sometime cut into my end grain board if I am not careful but it is about the sharpest thing I have.

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