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Another step after 1000 diamond stones

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  • #11568
    Matt Cole
    • Topics: 2
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    I’m looking for a step after the 1000 grit diamond stones in order to reach a mirrored finish. The next step I have is the 1200/1600 ceramics and I can get to a mirrored finish but to get all of the scratches from the 1000 grit diamonds out takes an excruciating amount of time. Almost 2 hours. Once I get past that point the rest comes easy, I like the 3M lapping films from the yellow 12 micron (1200 grit) down to the white .3 micron, then stropping. I have also tried to go right to the yellow films from the diamond stones but that takes even longer.

    So does anyone have an intermediate step? I’m thinking about getting the 800/1000 Chosera stones hoping they will be finer than the diamonds.
    But I would like to get some input before buying another set of stones. And on the topic of Chosera stones, the next step from there is 2000/3000 I think. Can you go right from the 1000 to the 2000 Chosera stones? Seems like a big step that’s all but any help would be appreciated.


    • Topics: 25
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    If I only had 1 set of Choseras it would be 800/1k or 1k with anything else. These will definitely get you there. May be able to skip the ceramics and go straight from 1000# to Choseras.

    Stropping after the Choseras will help brighten the shine.

    With you diamonds, especially the 1k, try using less pressure, especially when you are about to finish a stone and move to the next. After you have done the heavy work with the 100 start going as light as possible. Try even less pressure.

    Once I started to develop a technique and some consistency I focus on using less pressure (even more important with diamond stones) all the time. When i am done with any stone I do more strokes even lighter, focusing 100% super light pressure.

    If your diamond stones are still new they will leave deeper scratches until broken in. You can tell how they improve.

    Welcome to the forum and have fun.

    • Topics: 9
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    I’ve got the PP2 so currently I go from 1k diamonds to MicroFine ceramics and that is also (for me) at too big step, I’ve ordered the SuperFine ceramics to see if that will help me. But I would really like is 1200/1600 diamond plates that I think would be awesome as an additional step before ceramic stones…

    I guess there is some reason that high grit diamond plates does not exist?

    Fred Hermann
    • Topics: 30
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    I’ve been fooling around with sandpaper after my 1000diamond and its been a good learning step, once I’m a little more consistent, it should give me a good idea what grit stones to buy as an intermediary step. Try it…

    • Topics: 22
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    Has anyone tried these on the WE, I have used them on an EP and they have worked really well. Grit down to .1u

    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Using sandpaper may give you some ideas about where to go from there, but there is simply no direct correlation to any of the stones. Also, don’t get into the grit is grit trap. Your 3000P paper results will not even be close to those obtained with a 3K Chosera stone. Even ignoring the published ratings and looking at average grit size doesn’t really get it. The stones simply have different effects on the edge than any papers. I have seen this firsthand.I don’t think that you can accurately extrapolate from one to the other, especially when it comes to scratch reduction.

    I agree that using the papers is educational. I did this for a few months when I could not get the stones that I wanted. At the time I was pretty impressed with the edges that I got. I have a collection of papers and 3m films that I still play with from time to time. None of this, however, allowed me to predict the results that I would get with the Chosera stones or the Shaptons.

    BTW, I like the 800/1000 for removing scratches from the 1K diamonds pretty quickly. My experience has been that you have fewer and finer scratches with higher reflectivity after the 3K Chosera stones than after the full 4 stone ceramic progression. Now we are not talking about sharpness here, rather simply cosmetics.

    One interesting point that goes back to the sandpaper discussion above. I am fortunate enough to have both the 10K Chosera stones and the 15K Shapton stones. If I want “pretty”, reflective, minimal visible (naked eye) scratches, I will go with the Choseras every time. The abrasive on the Shapton stones is a finer grit, (1.76 vs 0.98 Microns) it has the potential to get a finer edge, but it leaves a comparatively dull scratchy finish. So the point is, be careful when trying to predict based on grit size what any specific abrasive might do at the edge.


    I’ve been fooling around with sandpaper after my 1000diamond and its been a good learning step, once I’m a little more consistent, it should give me a good idea what grit stones to buy as an intermediary step. Try it…

    • Topics: 57
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    Phil knows his grits….


    (Seriously, he puts a lot of thought into his posts).

    Welcome to the forum Matt!

    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Yes.. I neglected to say. Welcome Matt.
    Just keep in mind…grits ain’t always grits…
    Sometimes they are “Instant” grits from Jack of the Beanstalk fame…
    And magic happens at the edge when you use the magical ones…

    Where do you come up with this stuff Curtis.. that clip must be from the middle 90s or earlier.

    Edited to not show my age much..

    Matt Cole
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 15

    Thanks for the input.

    I think I will order the 800/1000 Chosera stones. Is it easy enough to get the 1000 Chosera scratches out with the 2000 Chosera? Or would the micro fine ceramics be a good enough next step. I really don’t like the 1200/1600 ceramics, they seem crumbly and quite inconsistent, so it would be great if I could get around them.

    Matt Cole
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 15

    That’s the kit I got too. That is an impossible step from 1000 diamond to the microfine ceramic stones.
    And I agree a 1200/1600 diamond stone would be great, I like the consistency of the diamond stones. It’s easy to step up through the grits and get all the last grits scratches out. But there probably is a reason they don’t exist.

    • Topics: 38
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    Clip from “my cousin vinney”

    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Thanks for the input.

    I think I will order the 800/1000 Chosera stones. Is it easy enough to get the 1000 Chosera scratches out with the 2000 Chosera? Or would the micro fine ceramics be a good enough next step. I really don’t like the 1200/1600 ceramics, they seem crumbly and quite inconsistent, so it would be great if I could get around them.

    Many say that the coarse microfine ceramic is more coarse than the 1200 grit Ceramics. They suggest that the order would be the 1.4 micron microfine stone, then the 1200/1600 then the fine microfine at 0.6 microns. That is the way I have been using them…
    They all do fine at the edge, but leave scratches.
    Yes the 1000 Chosera scratches are readily removed by the 2K or even 3K Chosera Stones.

    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Clip from “my cousin vinney”

    Yeah.. I got that.. but first someone has to have the motivation to even look… know the thing well enough to remember the “grits” thing… then find the clip…


    I was wrong.. 1992… but Joe Pesci looked very young… damn I am getting old…

    • Topics: 38
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    Didn’t remember the grits part till seeing the clip.
    “Utes” (youths with a Brooklyn accent), I remember well.

    Phil Pasteur
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 944

    Back awhile ago I looked for the diamond films, but could not find anyone that sold in small amounts.
    I was also really looking for the PSA films though. All I ever used was the lapping films down to about0.5 microns. They actually do a good job, but are a bit slow and do not last long.

    The site you link to does not list grit ratings… just numbers. How would I know what I was ordering? Might just be interested in trying some.

    Ken Schwartz sells the diamond films, but I could never talk him into selling me any that were not pre-mounted.
    He said the PSA just di not stick well enough.. He said it pissed enough people off that he would only sell it mounted to glass or AL plate. I used to attach abrasive papers to stones. Now I have some glass blanks. I just never was real happy with attaching them at the ends with tape. Just a little bit of slack, and precision goes out the door.

    How do you attach these to the EP blanks?

    BTW.. just a thought that came to me… I bought an EP Apex with choseras and several other stones.. glass blanks and AL blanks. Bought the nice glass circular plate to mount it .. I used it about a dozen times and decided it wasn’t working for me… I have to dig it up one day and see if I can mount all of those nice stones for the WEPS…

    Not trying to start any arguments.. just stream of consciousness.

    Has anyone tried these on the WE, I have used them on an EP and they have worked really well. Grit down to .1u

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