Just opened the package last night and started on a nasty old 8″ chef’s knife that’s been hanging around; says Japan on it and nothing else. Figured I’d learn on it for a bit and let the stones break in at the same time.
I could see right away what this thread is talking about. The tip rod helps.
My suggested solution is an optional clamp set whose jaws are shaped like a ‘T’ instead of an ‘I’. The width at the ‘T’ would be 5″, 2″ extended to either side of the 1″ center. Something like the plastic potato chip bag clamps.
Otherwise, I’m enjoying the sharpener so far. Problem is, I’m completely useless with my left hand on this…it’s like learning to walk and getting coordinated. Left and right usually complement each other, not very often they have to perform the exact same skill with equall aplomb.