Wicked Edge Sharp Knives
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives replied to the topic Seeking Wusthof boning grit suggestions in the forum Cooking 6 years ago
Tom, Thanks for the thoughtful reply and sharing your experience and suggestions!
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives started the topic Seeking Wusthof boning grit suggestions in the forum Cooking 6 years ago
My friend is giving me two of her Wusthof boning knives for resharpening. I plan on keeping the existing edge angle using the black sharpie pen method and I am anticipating that will be around 20 degrees. She uses one of the boning knives for actual boning. The other boning knife she uses as a vegetable chopper on a soft plastic cutting bo…[Read more]
KCS and
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives are now friends 6 years ago
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives started the topic How to introduce the youngsters into the family in the forum Advanced Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years ago
I have been a Wicked Edge fan/user for some time now. I wanted to see how much of an improvement the WE 3Gen vise is compared to all the others I have owned. Well, damn, this new vice is a huge improvement. I gave it the rough treatment this evening…. breaking in a whole new set of raspy stones on a hard blade…. and the vice held all the ro…[Read more]
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives started the topic Returning member in the forum Welcome Mat 6 years ago
Hi all, I have been with WE through the journey. I am not a pro. I think I have purchased every vise upgrade WE offered. I have 75 recorded knives under my belt with a couple hundred retouches associated with those knives, plus maybe 50 more that I sharpened prior to picking up the habit of recording all my sharpens. So, not an expert but…[Read more]
M1rrorEdge and
Wicked Edge Sharp Knives are now friends 6 years ago