Thomas Brannan
Thomas Brannan started the topic Bess Edge-on-Up numbers in the forum Main Forum 2 years ago
I just received a Bark River Classic Drop Point hunter in S45VN. The blade is .156” at the spine and the knife came with a convex edge.
I do what I think most people do when they receive a new knife. You look it over, see if it will shave the hair on your arm, see if the blade will stick to your finger nail, and then slice some paper. All real…[Read more]
Thomas Brannan replied to the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
Thank you everyone for all of the advice. As everyone suggested, I sharpened the knife with a secondary bevel, I elected to use my 1600 grit ceramic stone for the bevel. Below is a Youtube link that shows how the knife was performing pre & post sharpening.
Thomas Brannan replied to the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
Marc – there was absolutely no perceived hostility on my end whatsoever. And I genuinely want to thank the two of you for replying and for sending me the link. It’s forums like this that really help with the learning curve to the art of sharpening.
I think tomorrow I’ll try taking some before shots through the USB microscope and then some after…[Read more]
Thomas Brannan replied to the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
Gentleman – thank you for the feedback. I guess I could have prefaced that I have been using the original wicked edge commercial Series for years. But much like Marc brought up, I typically use a new knife and only sharpen it once it truly needs it. And I’ll touch up my EDC KNIVES with a couple of strokes on a 1600 grit once every couple of m…[Read more]
Thomas Brannan started the topic Can a knife be too sharp? in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 3 years, 6 months ago
So I have a new small fixed blade knife (an Argali Serac) that I am going to use for hunting this year. It’s a 3” blade that is in S35VN steel. Out of the box the knife is not as sharp as I would like (only a portion of the blade will actually shave hair), so my plan is to sharpen it this weekend for hunting season.
My question is: If I sha…[Read more]