Todd Forbes
Todd Forbes replied to the topic Gouging out a “dip” in my blade in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
What I have been doing when I re-profile an edge is set the angles with my cube, scrub one side until it apexes (I scrub some on the opposite side but not enough) then apex the other side which is always faster, then use leading alternating strokes from 200 grit up to 1500.
It sounds like you scrub one side at a time, a little at a time on each…[Read more] -
Todd Forbes replied to the topic Gouging out a “dip” in my blade in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
I didn’t know a “false apex” could appear on the second side but it makes sense. Do you just apex once on each side, say with the 100 grit, then move on to sharpening & honing or do you apex a second time with the 200 grit stone just to make sure the bevels are set & even?
Todd Forbes replied to the topic Gouging out a “dip” in my blade in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
I was definitely spending to much time just scrubbing the choil area, I hate that Spyderco does not use sharpening choil s. I do spend some time on the other side when apexing to keep it centered but definitely not equal amounts of time so I will start doing that to ensure a centered edge. I usually start apexing on the right side which takes t…[Read more]
Todd Forbes replied to the topic Gouging out a “dip” in my blade in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Thanks Marc & Robert, I believe you are both correct, this only happens when I’m scrubbing the choil area so putting too much pressure on one side of the stone makes since. I’m also definitely hitting the stud and that’s not helping matters, I checked and thought I was clearing it. I also did this exact same thing to a Spyderco without a thumb s…[Read more]
Todd Forbes started the topic Gouging out a “dip” in my blade in the forum Main Forum 4 years ago
Hello, I am fairly new to WEPS, got the Pro Pack III and added the 50/80 stones for reprofiling, have done about 20 knives so stones are just now broken in and I have a pretty good hang on using it. I have run into an issue when trying to reprofile & even up edges on factory knives which never have even bevels or at the angle they say they are.…[Read more]
Todd Forbes started the topic Hey everybody, new owner in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Hello everyone! My name is Todd and I have been a on again / off again collector of knives for the last 14 years, various production models mostly, Bark River fixed blades with convex edge and Spyderco folders make up the majority of my collection at the moment and I have never been that good of a freehand sharpener. I did good keeping sharp…[Read more]
Todd Forbes became a registered member 5 years ago